Sunday, April 01, 2007

Basketball, Global Warming and another "coincidence"?

I had to step away from basketball for a bit last night as I went to hear a local scientist address a group on Global Warming. But I am sitting pretty with Florida and Ohio State in the championship game on Monday night.
As to my"coincidence" from yesterday - I went into work on a Saturday morning for the first time in forever to do some work on my workspace after our cleaning day. So for the first time in forever I was checking my work email. (I have not set it up where I can check my work email from home as I had in the past) When I checked the email, there was an email from the present Head of School saying that the present Assistant to the Head of School had been named the new Athletic Director...hmmm. Would that - plus coming up with a plan to teach an Economics class - (a need mentioned by the Dean of Studies when I met with her the other day) be my future? Again, being there on Saturday and seeing the message...I shot an email off to the Head of School asking to be considered. I am thinking they will involve the new Head in the selection process, but there may be some inside deal already in place and the position has already been promised to someone - but we will see.
At the Global Warming lecture, skeptics were welcome based on the advertisement - but it was a bit of a distraction and obviously not a comfortable format for the presenter. She had her lecture and slide show and was not really geared up for a full debate. The event was at Miss Porter's school, so I spent my morning at work at Ethel and ended my night at Miss Porter's. Most people could probably say they have never have been on an all girls' school campus and I hit two in one day.
Today I am going to have to cut short my morning news show watching as it is my Sunday to help count money at church. No plan for the rest of the day. Rain in the forecast for tonight and tomorrow, so being outside will of course be part of my plan.
My computer "sprung ahead" this a.m. I guess I did not have the proper download for the adjusted daylight saving time. I have yet to understand why it all started and why we cannot just stay on "regular" time. If anyone could figure out what that is anymore.
This week is going to be interesting - off site computer training all day on Tuesday, lecture at my alma mater on Wednesday featuring Dan Rather, Dance class on Thursday, church on Friday afternoon, Westerly Rhode Island for Easter Sunday...and will I be on tap for the new job? Here we go.
Didn't hear from my son yesterday, maybe today.
Have a good week.

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