Friday, April 06, 2007

Dance Class and Snow Squalls

Snow Squalls during the day yesterday, but I did not miss my lunchtime walk or dance class. Missed a call from sister #5 and my son as I was wrapping up work and going to class. Didn't get in touch with my sister, but I did talk to Chris and we made a plan for me to get a Honey Baked Ham to his house and to get together next Saturday - either here or there. He might come up here from NYC if he feels like he needs a break from the big city, but otherwise I will go there. It was good to talk to him.

Lots of projects that need to be finished up today before I head out of work at 2 - church and pick up flowers after work, then walk, clean house and get ready to go shopping and prepare for holiday weekend. I am banking on my mother to assist me in getting my food items prepared. It is going to be a long weekend. 20+ degrees for sunrise service. I think I will stick with my plan to go Saturday as usual.

Better get going. Have a great weekend.

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