Saturday, April 07, 2007

Happy Weekend!

Liked this picture. Talk about a simple idea that has had a long life span - the plastic Easter eggs! I am on the way into my parents' this morning to figure out what needs to be done before we head to sister #4's for Easter dinner. Church tonight at 8 and I am thinking of sunrise service tomorrow at 6:30 a.m. Then in to do any last minute preparations and head to Rhode Island.
Left a message for my son yesterday. After I found out what it was going to take to send him a Honey Baked Ham - I went to the bank and transferred $100 into his account so he could actually get a whole meal for that amount of money and I am thinking he can make it last for more than one meal.
Talked to sisters #5 and #3 yesterday. Lots going on in both their lives and #3 did take issue with not getting an invite for Easter, even though she had planned on staying home for the weekend. I am sure that will not be the last said on that topic this weekend... Oh well. I did tell her that I was thinking of heading down (if my son does not decide to come up this way) next weekend.
Had a good day at work. Left at 2 p.m. to get to Good Friday service at 3 p.m. Very moving ceremony. I followed that with my walk and then cleaned house. Good day all around.
I emailed the dance class teacher today. I want to get the narrative of the steps we are doing so I can practice. My mission is to show up and be able to do the whole routine!!! I have no talent or style, but I do think I should be able to "execute steps" - execute may be the operative word!!! I also emailed the Dean of Studies to give her some possible dinner date times. I need to work a bit more on a syllabus for the possible Economics class. Also, the new Head of School is coming into town next week and it looks like I will be having the opportunity to meet with her about the Assistant to position. Also, I was asked to assist at the Trustees' meeting on the 21st. The present Assistant to has to leave early to coach a lacrosse game (everybody at school has "side jobs") so I will be taking minutes at the afternoon session. Another good opportunity to have some "face time" in front of key people. I am a lucky girl - again.
Have a great weekend!

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