Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter Thoughts

Snow in Texas, A-Rod has a walk-off grand slam to save the Yankees' day, Gillespie to Kentucky, Huggins to West Virginia and I think I could be on the short list for the Arkansas coaching job, Martha Stewart blowing a kiss to a billionaire who has just bought himself a trip to the International Space Station thanks to the Russians - interesting weekend.

From the book "Annie Freeman's Fabulous Traveling Funeral" book I just finished last night about the end of a day in the band of characters' journey that spoke to me:

"an exhaustive discussion about believing in the magic of life, the power of hope, the cosmic sanity of chance and change, and the unmistakable power of love."

If anyone has any suggestions, this is the series of steps I am having trouble with at dance class:

beginning with the 4 step touches before the hopstepping right

1 touch left 2step left 3 touch right 4step right 5 touch left 6step left 7 touch right 8hop on the left foot (on the and)crossing the right foot front 1 snapping the right hand 1 2bring the left leg forward and the right arm up 3bring the right arm down 4 two chasse back 5 6 78circle both arms on front of you 1 2throw both arms up above head 3 4 - big finish

From an email I sent my siblings about Easter plans and spirit:

1) Cousin and husband are having a restful and peaceful Easter alone at their house;
2) Another cousin is going to NYC as we speak to spend the night with another cousin's daughter and go to church in the a.m. and then back to CT for lunch with friends (Son #1 is working and Son #2 is having Easter with his dad and Father and stepmother are going to the theater);
3) My son has some slippage I put in the bank yesterday to take himself out to dinner before whatever he has tickets for tonight;
4) Sister #5, niece#4, me and the folks will be seeing how Martha Stewart of Westerly "does" Easter;
5) Sister #3 and partner will - I hope - be having some peace and relaxation - and perhaps a trip to the emergency room if sister #3 feels her hand issues are not doing an Easter "cure thyself",
6) I hope Sister#1 is having a warm and relaxing day by the beach - or might I suggest what I would be doing if I were there...a day by the shack with my Piton glass, but I digress from the Easter theme... and
7) Brother and wife and the girls are off to a restaurant wife does not have to host ALL three major holidays for her side of the family.

BUT the thing I will remember the most about this Easter is when I was at our parents this a.m., the door bell rang but by be the time someone got to the door - all we saw were 3 beautiful Easter baskets FULL of all the eggs parents' neighbor's daughter (mother said she came for one year) and granddaughter had made as part of the Sister #4's "egg-travaganzas" at the parents' house over the years - a sample of all the "techniques and treatments" Sister #4 discovered each year. I am crying as I type this. The other amazing thing about this was HOW IN GOD'S NAME did the neighbor move that fast to be already across the street between the time he rang the bell and we answered it!!! But what a beautiful thing for them to do!

Better start getting ready for the day ahead. Have a great balance of the weekend.

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