Monday, April 09, 2007

Post Easter Report - Watch Hill

The spot once occupied by the Ocean House in Watch Hill is now a open lot waiting for the new Ocean House to be rebuilt. Working the night shift there was a summer job of sister #4. We drove by the open lot yesterday in our pre-dinner field trip - a house owned by descendents of Hemingway; Breck shampoo family house which was sold when the current generation could not agree on who was going to own what and why; and the big treat - driving by where Conan O'Brien has his summer house. It is amazing how much incredible real estate that sits idle so much of the year. Seems like such a waste. It was also hard not to get out and walk the beach, but it was 37 degrees on our way to Rhode Island and 45 degrees on the way home so - with the wind by the water - it was cold. But there will be plenty of time for visiting this summer.

Dinner was a complete and total hit. Sister #4 did a great hostess job and everything tasted great. She had presents for everyone - mine? - Peeps of course. Sister #1, 3 called during dinner; brother had called while I was at my parents. Good day.

No walk, too much to eat, and 2 hours in the car yesterday - it will take me a bit to "normalize" today. Going to Central tonight for a Peace Corps information session. They like having people who have been in the Peace Corps to share stories and answer questions.

Have a good Monday.

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