Thursday, April 12, 2007

Empty Bowls Wednesday

The bad news, my bowl was not there when I got to the Empty Bowls event when I got there after work yesterday and the good news was my bowl was not there...I got to buy one of the ceramics teacher's bowls for $10 - and that is a price you do not find on her work at any of her exhibits. I am very happy. I am going to ask today if there are any bowls left by the end of the program - some of the students' work was beautiful and would make good gifts.
Other than empty bowls, work day was busy as usual and I had a great walk last night - might be the best weather of the next 5 days, so I wanted to make sure I got out and about. Still waiting to hear from my son about Saturday. Sister #3 has invited me down for the weekend, but I think I will stick with just Saturday on this NYC trip.
I got a bit discouraged yesterday as I listened to the news and flashed back to Dan Rather's comments about the "media" versus "the press" approach of Americans when it comes to the news - Imus, Whose your Daddy?, Duke Lacrosse announcement - Not only are we not globally informed, we aren't very informed about what is REALLY happening domestically. I am sad about the new ruling about extended service terms for military. I was shamed a bit when in a news report, a man said he is sick of people finding time to watch AI and DWTS but not enough time to see what is happening to our service men and women serving longest terms since WWII.
I am also sad about Vonnegut's death. Again, I don't know where the next batch of bigger than life people is going to come from - bigger than life in substance not in money or "bling".
Dance class tonight - I have not practiced my steps enough, but I will give it a go again. It is good exercise and it is a different setting for me with people I don't normally interact with during my normal work day.
Thanks to sister #1, I just found out that the book I am the discussion leader for in November at my book club is the "Book of the Month" for May in the Barnes & Noble online book club schedule. I am going to try and get the book read by then and get online to hear her discussion.
Not sure what the day has in store except rotten weather, but I am interested to see what unfolds today with my "star input" below.
April 12, 2007 -- Your ruling planet Venus moves into one of the most positive areas of your chart today, where it remains for almost a month, so throw off your worries and enjoy life for what it is. Relax, take your time and make a point of seeing the good that resides in all things and all people.
Week of April 12: I asked my readers if they had discovered any of the 888 Perfect Secrets from the Beginning of Time. Hundreds of responses poured in. Of those, I've selected the three that are most useful for you right now. Here they are. (1) Don't sweat the small stuff, but also avoid the mistake of believing that everything is small stuff. Some stuff is big. (2) The past isn't nearly as potent in shaping your present as you imagine. Get over it--both the bad memories and the good ones. (3) Always side with those who tell the most truth. But remember that no one is ever able to tell the whole truth. P.S.: Truth is sneaky and mischievous, often hiding in unexpected places

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