Friday, April 13, 2007


I needed to bring the daffodils back -not because I am feeling the Spring, but I needed some Spring nonetheless. April "nor-easter" forecast for Sunday. I am going to have to take full advantage of Saturday and have my books lined up for reading as I become one with my couch on Sunday. I text messaged my son last night to get my thumbs up or thumbs down for my visit on Saturday and after he texted "come on down", I called him and he really wanted to say "another weekend please" - he is filming "a short" and they got rained out yesterday and was really pushing it to try and finish everything up by Saturday. I can "feel his spirit" even when he text messages me...and that is why I thought I needed to follow up his text with a voice to voice. I told him I was fine with postponing to the weekend after his birthday (and the weekend after his dad will be in NYC from Louisiana). My goal will be to go down the 28th and stay overnight. We will see how that plan holds up. I am happy to stay put and enjoy the weather on Saturday. A friend of mine has her birthday today and is living in Maine now after a life time of living in North Carolina - I don't think she has ever had snow on her birthday before!!! Wacky, wacky, wacky - global warming or whatever it is. Something seems a bit out of wack. But talking about out of wack, missing emails from our Attorney General's office; Imus; World Bank Wolfowitz - people never cease to amaze me. But everyone is human and suffers from human failings. But it is sort of like the baseball coach and his DUI in Florida...where were these people's "people"? It takes a village or at least a few true friends to keep each other in check. Our "true north" bearing seems to be getting a pull from a bad magnet.

In my pensive mood - Sunday's weather may be perfect. There is a vocal recital at school on Sunday and I think that may be the place to be to become reinforced.

Have a good Friday and weekend.

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