Sunday, April 15, 2007

Rainy Sunday - lots of thinking time.

If April showers bring May flowers, we should be up to our eyeballs in tulips and daffodils next month!! I am on call to help my dad put his washer and dryer in his basement up on blocks if the pond across the street from their house overflows. I am also thinking this is the first real rain since their back door neighbor removed their backyard trees as a precursor of burying all the utility lines, so we will keep an eye to the back too. I am going to try and get to my school's voice recital program at 5 p.m. - we will see what the afternoon brings.
I enjoyed my "regular" Sunday morning talking head listening today. I was particularly taken by Meet the Press and the comments by Gwen Efil. I hope we will all take to heart the events of the week as to the power of what we say and how we cannot separate entertainment from civility. Comedy that is hateful is still hateful and I think we are too de-sensitized as to the echos that come from what we say even when we think no one is listening. The fact that I just heard someone say on ESPN radio that "the Imus thing has been taken too far" tells me that there is still work to do. I was also thinking about a comment I heard on talk radio last night - from the time of Jackie Robinson - someone said "we should all wear #42 so they don't know who to shoot at" and then a comment of today that people think that the more players who wear the number will cheapen the significance. I think the higher the visual, the higher the appreciation will be for what has taken place in the last 60 years but also the fact that we can not for a minute be complacent about what needs to be done. And then Steve Spurrier's comment.
I took this morning to respond to some emails I have been meaning to answer; look up the schedule again for the Grace Church in New York City so I can try and get there on my next trip to the city; and look up my May book club book and be happy that it is "The Time Travelers Wife" which I have already and will attempt to start this afternoon as I become one with my couch.
On a much lighter note, as I listened to The Weekend Today Show, I was taken with the fact that there is NO mother/offspring combination in the United States of America that needs a Mother's Day Makeover!!! more than my son and I, but it is a mother/daughter event! I emailed my son this a.m. to see if he could figure out a way to get us on the show. We will see. If you want to politic for us - go to the Today Show web site and let them know they have two very worthy candidates in my son and I! I can't change the fact that my only child was a boy not a I don't feel it should keep me from these types of events. Especially as he and I are both in image building phases of our lives! My son for his career and me for the remote - but no less pursued - opportunity to try my hand at marriage again. I am not going to give up on this right yet.
Is your mother's look outdated? Does she need a modern mom look? Does your mom complain about your style too? Weekend TODAY would like to give you the opportunity to make over your mom, and give your mom an opportunity to take a crack at your style. We will feature a mother/daughter duo who will receive makeovers live on our show. Send in your photo along with your mom's or daughter's, and an essay of 50 words or less about why you both need makeovers. Essays and photos should be received no later than April 30. You need to live in the tri-state area (New York/New Jersey/CT), and be available for your makeovers from April 30 to May 4, and for a live segment on Weekend TODAY Saturday, May 12. Make sure to attach your photos to the personal e-mail message that appears and send.
What a day.

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