Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Interview Wednesday

I wish I had a picture of our local rushing water. It was quite the scene the other night - from what I hear - of people lined up on the bridge near my house to see the rushing water. River is still high and some local roads are closed, but it looks like there is a dry light at the end our tunnel! We will see. I wonder if my son saw the whale that washed into Brooklyn!!! What a world. Crest on the Connecticut River should be tomorrow. Farmington River has crested. We have been below normal on temperature since April 3rd...feels like a lot longer than that!
I am interviewing with the new Head of School this morning - we will see where that leads. I will be happy with whatever happens - I just know I want to spend this coming school year at school.
Had a great dinner with friends last night. I had a message waiting on my cellphone when I got ready to leave the office yesterday - they must have been reading my mind. I was trying to decide what I was going to do with the rainy evening. I had a walk during the day which helped me a LOT! Came home to watch HOUSE and the last 2 minutes of DWTS results show. The only down side is I did not read at all - tonight needs to be The Time Traveler's Wife night.
Have a great day - wish me luck.

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