Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A sad day.

Hearing about the Virginia Tech horror, all I can think about is what would it be like to be a parent of a student there and not knowing what is going on and who has lost their lives. I remember what I felt like on 9/11 - the first fall of my son's college life - and my first instinct was to get in my car and head to Florida to make sure he was OK and how important it was for me to make contact with him and how helpless I felt. I cannot imagine what parents of VT students went through yesterday. It also made me wonder - once again - how do people get to places in their lives when they feel that their options are so limited and it comes out in such violent ways? Something is not working but I can't figure out where to start.

Still windy and cold here - I have not had my walk in two days (my emotional balancing activity) so I will hope that tonight is a bit more conducive to getting out and about. I went to a co-worker's house last night to look at her house that is about to go on the market. The glass of wine was nice, but I feel guilty about what I am going to share with her about the house. Some houses sell better empty and I think their house is one of those. We will see.

My brother ended up spending the night at my parents on Sunday night. Water was not going away and he kept watch at the pump and put the washer and dryer up on blocks. What a mess. My parents - especially my mother - do not react well to rising water with their memory of losing everything in The Flood of 1955.

Better get going. Meeting with the new Head of School is 7:45 a.m. on Wednesday. I am glad I got a morning slot!

Have a good day - and NO RAIN, please!

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