Tuesday, April 03, 2007

March Madness, April Gladness

Florida wins! I finished the 850 the Buzz contest in 173th position. 107 total points, winner had 129. I wish they broke it out by male/female and by age group - I know I would be a winner that way. Oh well. Now I have a bit of a lull until the World Series. Unless we have the Summer Olympics again this year and I need to watch the swimmers.
Other than that - told my boss I applied for the Assistant to the Head of School position and she said she understands why I would want to apply but hopes I don't get it... then I asked my old roommate about getting some information together in case I do get the opportunity to teach an elective Economics class next school year. It would be a one class deal, but that is what I am working with the Dean of Studies to try and pull together. So in some way, I am excited about what our 2007-08 school year has in store.
Going to Tennebrae service tonight. Saw the sign at the local Episcopal Church on my walk last night. Getting off work early on Friday to get to my church for Good Friday service. After that, I will to go by the flower guy's stand nearby and get flowers for my sister in law, my hostess sister, and my mother - 3 huge bunches for $10 - can't beat it.
Up early to get into the office and get a few things set up before I head off for training.
Have a good Tuesday.

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