Monday, April 16, 2007

Quiet, Rainy day with a different ending

I am completely and totally hooked on The Time Traveler's Wife! I almost said no to the voice recital at school, but I was thinking that many would say no because of the weather - rain ALL day - so I wanted to make sure the girls had as large an audience as possible. I am glad I went - it brought me to tears a couple of time. The girls getting up there in front of people - some of them for the first time. It was very heartwarming.

Then I called parents and decided to swing by there to see how high the water was in the sump pump hole in the basement. It was up and down and my brother was headed in with another pump. He was still there when I left last night. The good news is I got to wear my new rain jacket and rain pants. I am going to wear them again today to work - not all day of course, but they are great!

Came home and took a bath then picked up my book again. It is going to be a long week until I finish the book!

Have a good Monday. I hope everyone who was traveling for Spring Break are on the road or in the sky today without anymore delays.

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