Friday, April 20, 2007

Spring has sprung!

I am bringing out the spring flowers for good as of today. I am sure it will be just days before people are complaining of the heat, but you won't hear that from me! It was a glorious day yesterday. And I have my windows open as we speak.
It was also glorious because of a very meaningful staff recognition event at school. It honored employees from 5 yrs to 25 yrs of service and even with all the bickering and "issues" that come up when any group get together in the work setting, it felt that the praise and appreciation were truely genuine. It almost made me want to turn into a person who would actually stay somewhere for 25 years...but I think that "mood" might be coming a bit late. I don't think I would look as sharp as last night's two 25 yr celebrants - since I would be 80 if I started RIGHT now to put in my 25. Oh well. I guess I will just have to make people THINK I have been around for 25 years by the punch I can pack into a much shorter time period.
Took an abbreviated walk last night since I got home from school after the event and then went down to the town Historical Museum to pick up copies of those pictures I saw in the library! I had asked the librarian about getting copies and had not heard anything, but then last night I get a call to say come on down to the museum. I think my parents will get a kick out of the pictures.
A friend is coming down from Boston today and will possibly spend the night - her grandmother is celebrating her 105th birthday!!! Yikes - maybe I could make my 25th year at school... I did make plans with my friend next door to go to Green Papaya tonight. I hope the Boston friend will be able to join us.
I am planning to take next Friday off and make it a 3 day weekend in NYC. Now that the weather has turned, I am getting an energy surge.
Have a great weekend.

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