Sunday, May 06, 2007

8:30 a.m. - I have slept away the day!!!

I guess I did have a long day yesterday. I woke up and then let myself fall back to sleep and the next thing I know it is 8:30 a.m.! Luckily, my only "schedule" for today is walk, and then to school to my office for a minute and then go to the instrumental recital which is at 5 p.m.

Yesterday was another story: 8:30 a.m., 5/5: 1*) BIG Y to cash in my cans and take advantage of the fact that my favorite mouthwash was "Buy one, get TWO free" But I did have a bit of an issue with store signage about what toothpastes were on I put the toothpaste back, but I am happy with my mouthwash. Tooth brushing is a big part of my daily routine at home and at work.

NOW on to the rest of my day. 1) First stop parents: lawn was mowed by my brother so I did my wash, had breakfast and sat outside for a few minutes to read my new book which I discovered my friend in NC had had signed by the author! I like the book even more now. My mother is a bit scared about a skin cancer procedure she has to have done. She had a biopsy on a spot on her face - negative, and one on her chest - positive. So she has to go in for the doctor to do a little digging. My father, brother and sister #3 have all had scrapings done - some small, some deeper. My mother would just rather not have any more stuff done - angioplasty, open heart surgery, hip replacement, ... luckily she has my father - no matter how grumpy. 2) 35 minute ride to my cousin's where we tackled the kitchen and living room. She is getting calls even before it the house is on the market so the exercise is really just to get her house cleaned out rather than making it sale ready. The house is in a great location to say the least. My cousin bought me a great sandwich for lunch - the peoples' names working at the shop - Anthony, Angelo - I knew I was going to love my lunch 3) Headed home after 4 hours, cousin was headed to look at a condo she is thinking about buying so I was able to get home just in time to get to church at 5 p.m. 4) At church I met some former co-workers (my Italian restaurant visit buddies). The good news the husband's PET scan was clear of cancer, but he had to have emergency surgery for circulation issues and he might lose the tips of his fingers and his legs are constantly swollen. I was very sad to hear the news, but they keep plugging along and he is lucky to have a wonderful wife and she is lucky to have such a kind and caring husband. That gave me a lot to think about as I sat through mass. 5) Also discovered from the church bulletin that a family friend was having the annual memorial mass for her husband who passed away 15 years ago. I went to the mass with my parents last year, but after mass I called my mom and she did not feel up to it (8 a.m. mass) so I decided to get flowers and bring them up to the wife last night because I know she has a brunch for her family after mass. 6) Ran into the principal of our town's middle school on the way out of mass and told him I had heard his name this morning at BIG Y - two mothers talking about what a great job he did at some school event this a.m. He had coordinated a trip to DC for the kids this past week, but didn't know if that was it, but I said just put it in the "I had a good week" file. 7) Took my regular walk and it was beautiful out! 8) Went to Shaw's to buy flowers and do my weekly shopping WITH one splurge - a deep discounting on Entenmann's donuts. Store bought donuts (like my store bakery cakes) are a weakness for me. I miss my road trips when I used to have LONG rides to see my son and my family from North Carolina when I used to do donut buys on the road so I have to give in to my urges at some point. So I fought it out over toothpaste in the a.m. and buy Entenmann's donuts at night...I guess my LIBRA scales got a little tilty yesterday. 9) Took the flowers up to our family friend's house. She was watching the golf channel so I could not disturb the last two holes with Tiger in play, but I waited it out and we chatted a bit and I got home at 9:30 p.m. 10) Took my bath, tried to read my book but my eyelids kept closing. 10) The only thing I did not get done on my "to do" list was my margarita in honor of Cinco de Mayo. But I think I had a full and good day!

This morning the post republican debate talking heads' shows should be interesting.

More for today - write a couple of emails, go to school, grab dinner at school and get ready for the last full pre-reunion work week, dance class starting back up on Thursday, Bob Woodruff forum at school which I will go to after class, and TRY to get to pool sign up at the town pool but unfortunately all 3 events are on Thursday. Friday off to Easthampton for Tim Wise lecture

"On Friday, May 11th at 8:00pm, Tim Wise will be speaking at the Williston Northhampton School on the subject of diversity in education today. His focus will be everything defining diversity to how diversity applies to more than ethnic minorities and LGBT people, and includes white people as well. Tim is one of the most respected anti-racist writers and educators in the United States and very expensive to host. This is a great opportunity to join the latest conversation on diversity in independent schools at no cost, so please consider attending."

Then we will watch the earth spin off its axis when everyone tries to deal with what they think Mother's Day should be whether they are on the mother or the offspring side of the event. My mother's day was in Brooklyn last week when I heard my son say what a good year he has had - no Hallmark card could bring me more joy than hearing that from my son. I am a lucky mother.

Here is to a peaceful Sunday with a musical finale! I am looking forward to the day. I have to find a "heavier" word than lucky!!!

PS: I almost forgot the "curly willow" aspect of the week ahead...

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