Monday, May 07, 2007

Oh the drama!

I was listening to the radio on the way to school yesterday and one moment I am hearing about retaliation and throwing at batters, pitcher being thrown out of the game and how the pitching situation is just getting worse and worse for the Yankees and THEN during the 7th inning stretch who stands up in George's box and announces he is back as a Yankee but Roger Clemens!!! The crowd went mad! It could not have been scripted any better. That New York crowd knows how to do it right when it comes to theater - even in the baseball stadium. And another sports comment - it looks like Nowinski and McGrady will keep their title of the best players NOT to be able to get their team out of the first round of the NBA playoffs. I can't think of what my draw my attention back to the playoffs again now that the Nellie/Cuban drama is over.

I forgot to mention a big part of my Saturday "good news" - not only did my cousin buy me a great sandwich for lunch from Angelo and Anthony's restaurant, but some PEEP flip flops. I was just getting ready to go to Old Navy for my summer shoe buying - now I have my "dress up" pair! They are great.

Looks like my boss read my email yesterday. We will see how it plays out. And of course, the curly willows have to be "processed". What a silly job. The instrumental recital was very entertaining. I am amazed how much each of the girls do - sports, voice, musical instruments - and all very well. I also caught the tail end of the equestrian event that was going on at school yesterday. My office area was crawling with horses!

Have a good week.

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