Friday, May 04, 2007

Curly Willows, Majerus and a cookout

I will get back to the curly willows in a moment, but today was just too full to wait until the morning to write about. No meeting took place and I really could not put my thoughts together in a way that moved me to move into the boss' office to review what might or might not be up for the near and far future. I am very committed to moving things forward in our office specifically and the school in general, but the reunion event two weeks away does not present a good time to get people thinking big thoughts. I am going to put together some thoughts this weekend, but right now focus is the key to getting through reunion.

But other than the office discord, the day gave me one good feeling after another - a call from a dear friend, news that Rick Majerus took a coaching job in St Louis at the same time a good friend of mine is moving there!!!!, my brother invited me over for dinner tonight, the weather was perfect, I came home to find a present from another dear friend - a book "The Knitting Circle" - I love it just by the cover - one good news after another. And, to tell you the truth, I am getting rev-ed up about being a positive in right-ing our office ship.

But now to the curly willows - at 4:45 p.m. today my boss let me know that she had heard "around 3 p.m." that the curly willows were on the way from NYC to Simsbury CT. Have you ever tried to find maintenance crew people on a Friday after 3 p.m.? Not usually a bingo. So I confirmed that the loading dock door would be open and I was ready to walk out the door to leave my boss to unload the van herself when my co-worker came back into the office saving me from myself and she and I and the van driver - an incredibly nice man - unloaded the van. These curly willows are for flower arrangements for reunion. But 20 bundles, each about 18' wide and 7' high...? I am not getting it, but I am not known for my taste. Now on Monday each branch will need to be cut and put in water. I can't even guess the numbers of branches in each bundle.

Tomorrow is wash clothes and go to my cousin's house to help her get her house ready to put on the market. Sunday - church and a concert at school. For a school with only 200+ students, we seem to have more than our share of performances.

Think I will stay up and watch Letterman tonight. Have a great weekend.

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