Tuesday, May 15, 2007

8865 says it all

Only 8865 steps yesterday, so something was not working for my day. (I liked this picture of a younger walkers - hope they keep on walking) Not as many trips back and forth on campus; DROVE to book club; didn't have our normal lunch time workday walk...reunion week is a bit unsettling. I am looking forward to May 21! And even more to May 25 and June 11-19 - my remaining 2006-07 vacation days. I also need to find out when my brother and our family friend are opening their pools. I see myself sitting, reading and swimming some of my vacation days away.
Book club saved the day, but then I came home to finish up minutes from an afternoon meeting I was covering for the LAX coach - everybody at an independent school double tasks or triples - and I finished them up and then had "an operator computer glitch" and had to redo what I had done. And I missed watching DWTS in the process - listening is just not the same. Oh well.

Obviously at low writing energy level this morning...I think it has to do with the steps - not enough blood to my brain yesterday. Keep a good thought for me and my steps - and my brain - today.

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