Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Could be a rainy pre-reunion day

We have been lucky with the weather, but today that might change. I am trying to visualize what our event with umbrellas will look like. But back to yesterday. It was a 17,192 day which means I got more walking in which is a good thing. And I am getting a bit of a later start this a.m. - and that is a good thing. Not such a good night last night for Ian on DWTS.
Monday night I had a very "un-regular" incense burning night. Usually I don't "get there" until Thursday or Friday. But I do think it helped set a more relaxed approach to Tuesday.
One thing I think I forgot to mention last week - the remote on my aged TV gave out. So now not only am I DVD player and VCR lacking, now no remote control. I have stuck with a bad station for a lot longer than I would normally because of my "lack". After reunion I will address the remote issue. It has not impacted me negatively to date as in I have not missed HOUSE or DWTS during my remote down time.
Great dinner at the dining hall last night. A bunch of us at the office were working late and took a break. Manicotti!! and Garlic Bread!!! Very good. I had to make sure I got my evening walk in after that and a call from my son around 8 p.m. was perfect timing - I took my phone outside and did my walk while talking to him then headed home. Also got our full lunch time walk in - so a good day. Doesn't take much to make my day these days...
Better get moving. Lots of reunion packets to stuff today. Have a good day.

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