Thursday, May 17, 2007

The pressure is on - reunion that is

The horses are the only "players" on campus not caught up with reunion or year end festivities. End of school events for the teachers and students and reunion for us...not a pretty picture. Yesterday started early and ended late - but not too late. I did get to go to the faculty meeting to listen to Mr. Batiste from NAIS. Good presentation - liked Mr. Wise better but Mr. Batiste was a kinder, gentler message deliver-er.

I am on the look out for my niece today - daughter of sister #1. Word is she might be headed to CT from NYC this weekend, but we will see. If she does arrive, she will be put to work at reunion. We might need umbrella holder people - not part of our original staffing plan. Our Class of 1927 person called yesterday and her doctors said - no go for reunion. It was going to be her first trip to campus since she graduated...that could have been pretty strange. It was feeling a bit like TTW or Back to the Future thinking about that event for her.

I was at 19,822 with steps yesterday, but I think I must have jostled my pedometer with non-step activity.

Dance class was cancelled for tonight - dance teacher has practice for one of the end of school events. Admin Asst lunch meeting has been cancelled because we are using all the conference rooms for storage for reunion. So I am left with work and buying flowers/baking a cake for the co-worker's going away party tomorrow morning after Morning Meeting.

We had a big storm move through campus yesterday and one of the end products was one of the teacher's car was the victim of a falling tree - pancaked!! We were under tornado warning for a few hours in the afternoon. Can't go from 80's to 60's without some "event". "Events" seems to be the word of the day.

Words for the week ahead..."There can be no transformation of darkness into light and of apathy into movement without emotion," wrote psychologist Carl Jung. That should be your motto in the coming week, Libra. Clear thinking and impeccable logic will not be sufficient to guide you to your next great adventure. You need the driving force of succulent emotion rising up in your solar plexus, the lush power of raw sensitivity piercing your heart. Feel as deep as you dare.

Have a peaceful day.

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