Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Curiosity about today...and tomorrow.

I am curious today about what is about to unfold. When I thought about that, I thought about "Mr. ED" or "what do the horses think as they see us walking by everyday"; watching the coming and going of the girls and staff. My walking partners and I have a particular horse that we feel "mocks" us as we go on our walk. I think the horses know they are smarter than this group wandering around. I am thinking about pursuing learning to ride this summer - we will see what the horse people think about that.
But then I think about what is going to unfold with the new Head of School coming into town next Monday and Tuesday for meetings. I have the 7:30-8 a.m. meeting slot a week from today, followed by my boss...all the other staff has their slots on Monday. I hope everyone takes advantage of their time with our new "leader".
More importantly, I need to decide how to shake things up in my life. I am getting comfortable again...never a good thing especially when I don't feel it moving me toward a new level of experience, awareness, or excitement. I have to keep remembering that work is not my focus - making major changes in my personal life was why I made my move. I am not keeping that vision in focus.
Spoke with sisters #4 and 5 yesterday. They are completely swamped as teachers in the final days of their school year and then getting ready for their summer jobs. Niece #2 is back in Brooklyn, and sister #3 should be back there too now from her birthday weekend in Provincetown. Sister #1 - I have not spoken with - but I am thinking she is in the midst of working with her daughter and where she is going to really spend her summer. We will see. My son is getting ready for summer filming trips to Tennessee (Bonnaroo) and Puerto Rico. Could be an interesting family summer. Seems like "the brother" is the only one who has a "regular" life. Or should I say the male element of our family seems to be living life. For another time, this brings me back to my thinking that women have ruined the work place (and most of their lifes in the process) and that our "strengths" were divined to be for building families and communities not businesses...
Sister #5 did a great job getting the commencement speaker for her school - the interim director of Oprah's South Africa academy for girls.
Have a great Tuesday.


Anonymous said...

And so in relation to your final comments today about woman and also about your life getting stagnit (Sp? I kow that's not right) How bout some community service? Church work?volunteering?
I think that is why you came back to CT,No? to get away from people throwing their $ "away" But once again you have thrown yourself into a job where big $ (not for you but for the families of the students,) are once again a criteria!!!!!!!!!!!
How 'bout the girls at your school helping the girls at Oprah's school?
I just wanted to throw all this out to you, since you are thinking about where you are heading (once again), just some veiws from someone looking in!
Even though I myself have lost my own direction. Can't figure out my next move!

None said...

I am getting the same message from my Freewill this a.m. I know I need to re-energize and re-focus AND remind myself daily why I throw my life cards in the air so many times...