Thursday, May 31, 2007

I am sensing I should get motivated?

May 31, 2007 -- There is nothing stopping you from moving up in the world, so why do you hesitate? Is it because you fear you don't have the ability to be a leader? Is it because you fear the responsibility will be too much for you? Whatever the reason it's not really a reason but an excuse. Get your act in gear.

Week of May 31 :

Do you think you could arrange to drive a car equipped with a jet engine through desert salt flats at 200 miles per hour? Given the current astrological omens, that would be my first recommendation for you. If that's not possible, would you consider enrolling in circus school and learning how to be safely and elegantly shot out of a cannon? And if neither of those two alternatives are likely, Libra, please somehow stir up a visceral sense of moving speedily toward the future.
Guess "the stars" do not know I am driving around in a car with 142,000+ miles, bald tires and a check engine light that has been on for the last 2000 of those miles...I am considering new tires...
And along the racing theme, I am so jealous that one of my NC friend's husband took her and all the kids to a NASCAR race!!! She is blessed. She is one of my friends who is example of what life should look - putting friends, family and faith first and still being able to be self-actualized. It is almost impossible from my vantage point to pull that off these days. She and her husband are off to Bermuda this week. Another signal that life is "right" for her!
I cleaned house and baked a cake last night - I am off to my brother's on my way to work this a.m. to deliver. Hope they enjoy it. His wife is a great cook, but I hope they "taste" the effort it takes for me to do a baking event.
The boss is so nice since the new Head of School meetings with everyone on Monday and Tuesday - I know it is killing her! It is like me being "smiley" all the time - not my natural state. But in my book - when it comes to work, I prefer "good" over "nice" when it comes to a boss. As I told the new Head, I am looking to 7/1/07 as a date when our entire office can shoot for to put aside 2006-07 school year and recommit for the 2007-08. I also asked our engineering department if they could find me a picnic table so I have somewhere to eat outside when the dining hall is closed when no summer camps are on campus. We have a beautiful spot behind our office near the horses that is shaded during the lunch time hours and I think would be a good thing for our group. That is the one drawback to having the dining hall available - I flashback to elementary through college and the daily drama of who to sit with at lunch and who is at the cool lunch table...and where am I.
Park and Rec department was a "missed call" on my cellphone yesterday. I guess the fact that I did not have a local home phone number was unsettling to them? I will be curious to find out why they called.
Better get going so I can get my cake delivery work done this a.m. Birthday card shopping tonight.
Happy Thursday - this week just does not want to end!

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