Friday, June 01, 2007

Muggy June 1

"Muggy, hot and humid" the weatherman set the weather table this a.m. It becomes a common theme in New England summer forecasts.

$27.5 million helped Billy Donovan decide to move from college to Pro basketball in Florida. Truly amazing $ in the sports arena! On a much lower sports spending level, I bought a 7 yr old friend who lives in North Carolina a Boston Red Sox shirt for his birthday present last night. Sending Yankee stuff this year...not a happy thing. I wandered the shopping center last night and then picked up take-out at Puerto Vallarta restaurant. It was raining so I tried to park as far away from the stores I needed to go to so I would have to walk, but with flip flops on...I was slip-sliding away between stores.

Day at work was one of those interuptions outnumbered routine items days. Today should be interesting since we have 3 people on vacation so it is a skeleton crew. Looks like I will be walking alone. Happy hour after work at one of the teacher's on-campus homes. I will stop by on the way home. My department does not attend these, but I enjoy them. There is a baby shower for a teacher on Sunday - but that I will pass on. Showers are truly painful for me. I hope the Target gift card will be appreciated - 3 of our department chipped in for that. Trying to get together with my cousin this weekend whose birthday is June 6. My brother and his wife found my cake on their doorstep yesterday a.m. and were enjoying it as their dessert after dinner last night. They are a good couple and were empty nesters for a few days with their younger daughter on a school DC trip. They are a couple who I think will enjoy the time when both their girls in college. They are a good match.

I made an appointment to get new tires on June 11. Want to be road trip ready for the balance of my vacation and am putting off buying a new car until I wear these tires out... My car is running OK as far as I can feel. And maybe my son will want my car by then.

Have a good Friday - it FINALLY got here!

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