Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Speaking of Arlington

As I watched a CSPAN show last night from the Kennedy Library, I was reminded of my walk through Arlington National Cemetery in Fall of 2005 and the eternal flame. It is hard to believe that Kennedy would have been 90 years old this week. The discussion at the library was about the 20th century. Daniel Schorr who shared his birth year with Kennedy. Interesting to listen to people who had just about lived the century and how life has changed. That - in concert with my weekend reading of Leap of Faith - made me a bit uneasy about where our road is leading us. But then again, UTUBE or something like that got purchased by Google so how can the world be in bad shape??!! Giving teenagers the "model" that bizarre behavior can make you an overnight millionaire...what can be wrong with that.

I better get off my soap box and get to work. Off site computer training all day - probably good my "passion" will not be in a setting where sharing will be possible.

Have a good day.

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