Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Mixed Bag day in my world

"Ordinary life does not interest me," wrote Anaïs Nin in one of her diaries. "I seek only the high moments. I am searching for the marvelous." Normally I might discourage you from pursuing that approach, Libra. You've got money to make and appointments to keep and groceries to buy, after all. And doing those tasks can make it hard to specialize in the marvelous. But for a limited time only, the planetary powers-that-be are granting you an exemption from the ordinary. More than that, actually: They're insisting on it. You need intimate contact with unreasonable beauty, sweet anomalies, beguiling ephemera, inexplicable joys, and small changes that inspire reverence.
I like my "guidance" for the week ahead. We will see how I do with the inexplicable joys angle. I am happy to go along with specializing in the marvelous. Reading this sort of sidetracks what I was going to share about happy I was when I got my monthly report on my investment is no "retire now" kind of money but it sure is fun watching it go up every month. So I guess I will concentrate on the type of events like I went to last night at school. I watched two seniors present their senior projects. They used their Spring Break in very meaningful ways and I loved watching them present their report to their advisors and some of their friends and me (who I hope they did not think I was some homeless person coming out of the sun...). Staff from our office do not normally take part in kid related events on campus, but those are the times that make me day.
We had some more drama on our side of the street again...I really have found the perfect place for me! I am anxious to see what the "climate" will be today. And I am not referring to the fact that they put in our window AC units yesterday.
I better get going. Reunion will be here before we know it! I am also in charge of a co-worker's b'day party on Friday. Chocolate cake, chocolate frosting request - I am very lucky she did not make a more challenging dessert item.
Have a great day - 83 degrees yesterday - I must be in heaven!

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