Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Work and Life, Life is winning

People had said that by the time reunion is over, we will all be at each other's throats at work. "The love" is showing up already and we are 10 days out. Oh well. The good news is the weather is beautiful and doing all my running back and forth across campus is a welcome breath of fresh air on lots of levels. I might have to introduce my "leave your hate at home" chant to the work front.
May 8, 2007 -- Your social and professional standing will receive some kind of boost today and you could soon find yourself moving up on the work front or breaking into circles that have been closed to you in the past. Just remember that work isn't everything. People must come first, not power and prestige.

Seems like we have some use and abuse issues on the celebrity front - from Paris to Hasselhoff (sp) to Ty on Extreme Home Makeover - do I have to say again "Where are their people?" to protect them from themselves.

Speaking of celebrities - I have a feeling that my dance class may be bumped in deference to Bob Woodruff. We will see. I also think I talked about Tim Wise at Williston Northampton School on Friday. Book Club on Monday and I can't wait to talk about TTW. I have not gotten back to The Knitting Club since the weekend, but I am excited about where that book will be taking me. Also hope Queen Elizabeth had a good dinner last night with GW&L. Speaking of GW - gas prices over $4 in San Francisco, but cheaper in MA - so I will fill up on Friday.
I hope I can stay awake tonight and not miss HOUSE as I did last week. I don't think there will be any drama at DWTS's - I think Billy Ray will be heading home.
Have a peaceful and tranquil day and keep a good thought for the same for me!

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