Sunday, June 17, 2007

Brooklyn Bridge and more

Feels strange to be sitting down after the last two days. But before I get into my trip, I have a couple of notes next to my computer that I want to mention.
I have another TWO movies (for someone who usually only goes to one movie per year...) to see this summer - Evening and Live Free, Die Hard. I was taken by the TV commercial for the first and the Times Square advertising on the second. I also got a call from a cousin about the possible trip idea I had about a trip to the Adirondacks over my vacation, but he warned that June is not the month to visit - black flies big enough to carry off your car. I will leave that memory bank trip to another time. Another memory bank item that came to mind this past week - the Guardian Angels are in New Haven. It is interesting that this organization has lasted for 30 years. It was a revolutionary concept when it first started. Good news, bad news - they are still around, they are still needed.
Now on to my trip. I let Enrique play to the crowd already along the fence at the TODAY show on Friday a.m. I took the 9:34 a.m. train from New Haven to Grand Central - both stations are such great buildings. My plan was to do some wandering in Manhattan then head to the afternoon meeting point down by Town Hall by 4:30 p.m. But I got a call and meetings had changed and the new meeting time was 2:30 p.m. I got that news after I got out of church - I went to daily mass at St Patrick's Cathedral ... Now I had to hustle. I made a pit stop at 30 Rock (one of my favorite locales in the world) and then headed to Broadway which I would follow from 42nd Street to Park Row - a FEW blocks. I did stop in at Grace Church at Broadway and 10th - unfortunately it was not a music day, but I will go back sometime when there is. When I got to Town Hall at 2 p.m., I was a bit early so I wandered the City Hall Park that had a Calder sculpture exhibit...I must have been met to explore Calder's work this week. I then saw sister #3's partner and now we were waiting together for our niece. When niece #2 showed up, we went to Trinity Church. This was the church that became a gathering place on 9/11 when people would go and see if they had any information about loved ones or just to contemplate what happened. It also has a very historic graveyard. What was jolting to me was when you walked in the front door you are on the City Hall side, when you go out the side door - you are staring at Ground Zero. Still takes my breath away.
Then on to the Brooklyn Bridge. It was a great walk - the views of the city, the Statue of Liberty, the water. (I was also able to continue my "church focus" for the day walking by all the Watchtower properties! I think the Jehovah's Witnesses are sitting pretty with that real estate in their bank.) It seemed funny to me that the bridge was packed! I thought I was the only one walking the bridge...and it was hitting me that I had now walked from Rockefeller Center 6th and 50th to Brooklyn...Once we got to the Brooklyn side, we walked around DUMBO and its waterside park. We were on the way to the Navy Yard Impound Yard. Not on the usual Brooklyn tour, but niece #2 had gotten her car towed and we were on the way to pick it up. We walked by an "Audition Station" in DUMBO and I almost stopped to see if it was "me" there were looking for for their movie!!! But we kept walking to the impound. I cannot give that part of my experience the "feeling" it had...all I can say is I left with a very long gratitude list. And we are all very indebted to "Ron at GEICO". My niece did not have any proof of car insurance on her body or in her car. A couple of "clients" did not have "a Ron" to call...or had "a couple" of tickets to clear up which made their decision to pay to get the car out or buy a new car a coin flip decision. Again, my gratitude list was growing by the minute. It was now 4 pm'ish and were off to the house - not walking. Sister #3 has her coffee time at 5 p.m. so we got home just in time.
Friday night was a show at BAX. It is always inspiring to me to be around creative people. I was sad that my son was at Bonnaroo in Tennessee rather than in Brooklyn, but still a great visit.
Saturday at 6 a.m. off to Prospect Park with sister #3's dog for the morning walk. People were staking out their spots for picnics and the Celebrate Brooklyn show on Saturday night. Then to the bagel place for breakfast items. At 11:30 a.m., I got the instructions on how to walk to the bridge from where I was and I started out again with the goal to get on the train to New Haven by the 7 p.m. Once I got over the bridge, I was going to follow 6th/Avenue of the Americas to 30 Rock then to Grand Central. I wanted to walk through Greenwich Village. I got to town in plenty of time and ran into the couple I go to Casilles' restaurant with at 48th and 6th. They were "surprised" to say the least. Then on to the train station and got the 4:12 p.m. train back to my car in New Haven.
You can imagine I was happy to be soaking in my tub last night and SCRUBBING my feet! Walking for two days in crocs (sp) and flip flops in NYC...
Off to my parents' today for Father's Day. Got a call from sister #4 when I was walking over the bridge yesterday and I hope she will be meeting up with me today, if will be me and the folks. They spent yesterday with my brother.
Thinking of beach time for tomorrow or Tuesday. Back to work on Wednesday. I am very glad I had this time to go through my attitude adjustment. I am also inspired by my reading again - train reading was Bird by Bird - another Anne Lamott book about writing...

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