Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Car repair and shopping, plus

Good first day of vacation yesterday. It started early with an 8 a.m. drop off of my car for its new tires. So I dropped off and walked home. Then I got the call that the car was ready so I walked up BUT when I got there we decided that the front right wheel bearing really needed to be addressed before I did my vacation day trips. So I went and did a couple of errands - picked up my plant re-potting supplies and went by the sign I saw for "Grand Opening" of a place to get a facial and stopped by and made an appointment for this morning. Then I dropped my car back off and went home to re-pot and make a cake. I had run into my neighbor/friend's mother earlier in the day. She was taking car of my friend's dog and daughter while she was in Chicago on business and decided I would back a cake and bring some to the two of them for their dessert. Then I walked back up to get my car and based on the fact that the left wheel bearing and brakes will be needed within the next 6K miles, I planned on stopping by the Toyota/Scion dealership before the day was out. But first, I got my post plant potting manicure with the balance of the gift certificate I had received then went to the dealership. I did not know that my cousin's ex-husband worked there so when he saw me... there was no escaping - so I told him his mission by late summer /early fall was to find me the best $13,000 car he could find with the Scion "box" being my preferred. We will see if he comes through.

Then I came home - did not need a walk since I had made 3 walking trips to the car repair place, so I got ready to walk to Book Club - Queen Noor/Leap of Faith. Book Club was great as usual and we said our good byes until we meet again in September.

Have a facial appointment at 9 a.m. and then I am off to the Sculpture Garden in Purchase NY. I am thinking that trip today, CT beach tomorrow, NYC on Friday - RI on Thursday? Have not heard from the massage lady yet - she is closed Sunday and Monday so she would not get my message until today. So her answer might impact my planning. I still have next Monday and Tuesday to work with if things get back up.

So - I can check off manicure, re-potting plants, car repair, car shopping start, Sculpture Garden, Book Club - still checks to be made. This is a very different vacation for me.

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