Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I am having unique summer vacation this week. I had 7 days of vacation I "had to" use up by June 30, so as soon as Commencement activities were over at school, "Elvis left the building" and I will not report back for duty until June 20. It is the first time I took vacation which was not planned around something - trip to see family trip, son, basketball game, memory lane trip - so it has been interesting. I did home based stuff on Monday including my FIRST attempt to re-pot my 3 plants. I have never in my life had plants that lasted long enough to be replanted! Let's hope me and Miracle Gro work. I also got new tires on my car (so I could do my road trips during the week) and had to replace a wheel bearing. In my mind, this is my last car repair on the Mazda, but now it feels so much better to drive with my new tires/bearing? And my last maintenance item - use up the balance of the manicure gift certificate one of the Trustees gave each of our staff. And Monday was capped off by the last Book Club of the season - we read "Leap of Faith" by Queen Noor. I was all over not wanting to like the book, but totally enjoyed it. I also recommended it to the Dean of Studies at school because I think it is a great book for the girls to read on so many levels.

Yesterday was ON THE ROAD after getting my first facial - even cheap me might have to find some money to do that again!!! A friend had warned me that selling me "more work" or "product" might be the practitioner's goal, but not a word, just an incredible hour of care and comfort. Then on to Purchase, NY and the world headquarters of Pepsico and the Donald M. Kendall Sculpture Gardens - 45 sculptures and beautiful gardens - incredible. A perfect walk and picnic place! Then I decided I would take the long way home and go by Kent Falls State Park in Kent, CT. Another perfect walk and picnic place. It has lots of memories from when my family would go there when I was little (it did look a bit smaller than my memories...) The waterfalls are the highest in CT? I think that is true, but I just sat with my feet in the water and watched the waterfalls for awhile before heading home. RT 7 was not as quaint and country as it used to be - lots of road construction. Good news, bad news of becoming an "it" place to go from NYC to the Berkshires area. But then I took Rt 7 to Rt 4 to get home and it was a beautiful ride.

I got home just in time to go to a local library to hear a presentation on Feng Shui (sp?) the speaker let the night get away from him with too many very "their house specific" questions from a handful of the audience, but a couple of things he said were news to me and you know I love that chi and yin/yang talk. A "coincidence" was I found out that the speaker was an ex-Peace Corps bee-keeping Volunteer in Paraguay. I did not get a chance to talk to him after, but I am going to ask sister #1 if she knows him.

Today's plan is the beach. It is a bit drizzly right now, but we will see. Could be the best of both worlds as to not much sun. I was not going to leave until 10 a.m. or so, so we will see. Tomorrow is "movie day" - Oceans 13 at 1 p.m. and Inconvenient Truth at 6:30 - movie theater for the first, local library for the second. Friday to NYC. Just a day trip, I am going to take the train in and I want to walk over the Brooklyn Bridge to Brooklyn. My son is at Bonnaroo in Tennessee for the week but I do want to go over and see sister #3 and my niece #2 - who is staying with sister #3 for the summer. It is a very fluid planning week - it changes by the day. I had Newport RI on my Thursday list, but I was feeling a bit road weary after yesterday, so I turned it into movie day. We will see if that sticks. The only appointment I have left for the time off is a massage on Tuesday morning to help prepare me for my work re-entry.

I have been calling Conan O'Brien show everyday trying to get my summer tickets. Other than that no big plans. My sister #1 is home from the islands starting July 4 for a couple of weeks. I will be sharing with her than that I am planning on celebrating my 55th birthday at her house in October. My plan for 2007-08 school year vacation is - a week in October, a week in December, a week in January and a week in February and I have two weeks left to "assign". My winter trips will be basketball focused - I want to go to St Louis to see Rick Majerus coach the Billikens and then to Texas or wherever to see JameSon Curry play depending on if he goes in the draft or not. I might have to switch gears and go watch his pro team instead of college...we will see. The December week is the week before Christmas, so we will see if any sports come up to fill that week. After listening to the TODAY show in the morning this week, I am thinking I might need to get some face time on that show again some time this summer...It was Katie era when I did it before.

Our new head of school comes on board July 1...I am looking forward to that.

I am going to head over to Town Hall before I leave for the beach today. I want to volunteer for some community board when they start meeting back up in the Fall. I also need to go by the Yoga Center and see what I can do there over the summer to replace my weekly dance class I have been attending at school. The school's dance teacher gave the staff/faculty a free dance class every Thursday night. My claim to dance class fame was my attendance record...but I kept trying.

As to sports and politics: I cannot get into the basketball finals; I am all over Rocket coming back to the Bronx; I enjoyed listening to the track meet this weekend and the fastest mile ever - I thought 4 minutes was a big longer; and the other "sport" - I have not committed on my candidate yet. A comment by Carville on CSPAN the other day - "it is a strange year when the Republican candidate with only one wife is the Mormon". I will not go into my thoughts on politics any deeper - I have to consider my reading audience...I am going to Congressman Shays' home for our summer CT Peace Corps Volunteers' picnic this summer - so I am bi-partisan on picnic-ing level?

Hope all of you are enjoying the summer.

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