Monday, June 11, 2007

P-trap and more

Not a glamorous picture but a triumphant picture to me! In getting ready to go to Commencement, I dropped my wedding ring down the bathroom drain. I still have the ring but not the marriage, but I still like wearing it on a non-ring finger finger. So I decided as soon as I got home, I would call my neighbor or my brother to talk me through the "operation" but once I got to school, I asked the Environmental Services guys who were setting up and I decided I would try it myself - VERY big for me and my aversion to household tasks and repairs. I loved living in apartments when all I had to do was call the front desk and by the time I got home from work "the man" had come and gone and left me a little note saying "work done, hope you find the work acceptable"...why can't all of life be so satisfying. But I came home and did the deal and have my ring. I am very proud of myself.
But back to commencement - I got there at the appointed time. I always get/take the early shifts so it was just me and the ES people for awhile. Good news was it was not hot, but the bad news was it was a bit too cold for all the girls in sun dresses. But it was all good and our speaker was very good! First Afr0-American Judge in the state of Connecticut - she had a great message and presentation. After the ceremony, I decided I would leave the packaging of "the project" to my co-workers. I came home, rescued my ring and then headed into my parents for wash day and late lunch.
After that I took my walk and have to admit that I was in bed by 7:48 p.m. I am going to get rid of the bags under my eyes by the end of my vacation!!! (And no, I do not have cosmetic surgery on my vacation to do list)
Dropped my car off this a.m. and walked home. When they call me and tell me it is ready, I will walk back up and then head to OSJL for my plant re-potting needs and drive by what I thought was a grand opening sign for a skin care place in the next town over - see about my facial plan. I will hold off on the manicure until after I finish my dirt work. Then I am thinking walk and next stop will be Book Club tonight.
Tomorrow I think I will head to the Kendall Sculpture Garden. Get my longest road trip done first. We will see. All I know is I am beside myself about my vacation!

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