Sunday, June 10, 2007

Commencement Day

Yesterday was a different day. I was up early and off to work. Had some loose pre-vacation ends to tie up. Visions of the beach are getting in the way of me keeping me in the present.

But as a lead up to Saturday, Friday I had a very uplifting call from a friend in NC which put my mind in the right place to finish up the weekend. I handed out programs at the 8th grade promotion event then off to Staples to see if they had something I could mail "my project" off in. A full 12"x12"x3" binder that per my leader had to go fed ex to 30 people. Staples had nothing and it was their closing time, so I called my leader - who was still at her desk - and she said she would take over that task of finding the shipping material. She is used to last minute needs...part of her "there is no minute like the last minute" approach to projects which is a bit different than my approach. Oh well.

Saturday a.m. I was at the office by 6 a.m., finished stuffing all the binders and made up 30 airbills. I was out of the office by 7:50 a.m. well in advance of "my leader" and her co-leader. I came home, cleaned the house and put on my what used to be usual Saturday a.m. ESPN radio and fell asleep on my couch. When I woke up I realized I had not heard my phone ring. A friend called and her son and daughter in law were coming to town with their new baby and would I like to join them for a picnic. But the picnic was right during my next commencement weekend assignment - helping set up and handing out programs for Prize Night. My program handing out has surprised people - I really can be smiling and friendly... But before heading back to school I went for my walk and stopped by The Yoga Center to pick up a class list. I want to find a class to keep me in shape for Dance Class once it starts up in the Fall. And a "coincidence" was when I came around the corner in front of my apartment building, there was the owner of the Yoga Center so I shared with her my mission that she would be the answer for me over the summer. I got home and put on the radio and started to listening to the Yankees game - The Rocket Is Back! I dozed off during some of the game, but it was a good game and Rocket won. Very fun to listen to, the crowd was totally happy that Roger was back and in a winning way.

Then I got a call from a co-worker saying she had gotten to school early for our assignment and I told her I would be over in a minute. We had a fun night helping set up and handing out programs. My leader was there and shared that she got the packing materials. I will decide this a.m. if I feel that I want to go over to the office after commencement and get everything packed up or leave it for one of my co-workers to do while I am on vacation.

I made another list for what to do during my time off - go to the Town Hall and find out which town committees may need people when they start back up in the fall; go to Red Door at the Mystic Marriott; Yoga Center to pick a class; which beach do I go to first; New Britain Museum; North Haven seafood place; Book Club and new tires on Monday; Ocean State Job Lots for my re-planting needs; church one a.m. to make up for missing this weekend; the Kendall Sculpture Garden; Kent Falls, Ocean 13...

I am very excited about the 10 days ahead. Have a good week.

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