Friday, June 08, 2007

Graduation weekend

"Bloom of Hope" is how they referenced this picture. I am thinking that is a good theme for the weekend ahead - 8th grade promotion tonight, Prize Night tomorrow, Commencement on Sunday, then my vacation starts. This is the first time I can remember in my life when I took this long of a stretch off from work with no real plan. I am looking forward to it. The only things I have set are new tires on Monday a.m. and Book Club on Monday night, then the next 8 days are wide open. Decided the road noise from my bald tires would detract from my hoped for road trips.

Yesterday was peaceful - for me, not my co-workers - after an interesting start of the week with trying to get a couple of big projects done before today. I did a pretty good job. One piece of my project is coming from someone else - and yet missing - but I will have time after I get back from vacation to finish that project off. Yesterday there was lots of drama with co-workers. I hope the lid stays on until the new Head comes on board.

Had a great night last night. Went to my co-worker's son's baseball game - she was not there, but her husband, b-i-l and father were there so it was even better. Nice night, baseball game and nobody chit-chatting during the game. We talked about the game and between innings threw in Red Sox or Yankees talk.

I got some tips from my s-i-l about re-potting my plants- another vacation project. I also want to go to Oceans 13. I will go to the theater for that one. I also want to break in my new beach chair. I also want to look into a day spa...not my usual, but I thought I need a little physical lift. I had a very good report from my bank statement last night, so I feel a bit "flush" with money as we speak...(of course "flush" is a very relative term for a cheapskate like me...)

Have a good weekend!

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