Saturday, June 02, 2007

Dr Jack and more

One of my idols is in the news today. I am totally behind Kevorkian's mission and I would take it to a new level as to planned death. We are so comfortable with doctors making the front end of life "work" for them - inducing births, C-sections - but are all over Dr. Jack as he addresses the back end of life.

But back to the life I am living rather than my plan to "walk into the woods" when I feel it is time for my time to end...very productive day at work yesterday and a great "first Friday" get together after work with some co-workers. None from my department - but that is nothing new - I seem to be the only one who is interested in enlarging my sphere of influence on campus. It was interesting on the level of putting what I do in perspective as to what is happening campus wide, but also because another "we wish them the best" email from the current Head about another member of the Admissions Department. Talk about the Last Comic Standing, we have the Last Admissions' Department Staff Person Standing. I guess I was too quick to say I wanted to stay put in my current position for the next year. But it adds one more element to the excitement I feel as to this is our time to make a positive move to become a better school and organization. I was also campaigning for on-campus housing if it becomes available. It was a very good group to sit and chat with.

I thought it was interesting that today was the first time I heard an outcry on mainstream TV about the direction of the Supreme Court. At the same time that the Bush Administration is having the same staff drain as our Admissions Department is experiencing...a bit of "rats from a sinking ship"? I also saw an interesting program last night on CSPAN with James Carville and Bill O'Reilly talking about the 2008 presidential race.

Contacted a friend from Houston about his birthday yesterday and was very interested to hear our old boss' ex-husband had written a book - I can't wait to get my hands on it. I might have to hit B&N today.
Random Sample: The Improbable .38
by Andrew Greenwood

I am trying to set a plan to get together with my cousin for her birthday. We will see if today or tomorrow will work better for her. My thought is this morning to run by "Coexistence" A Celebration of Diversity on Asylum Hill on my way to my parents.

Have a good weekend.

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