Friday, June 22, 2007

Friday already!

Three day work weeks would work just fine for me...all - including my attitude - seems to have held up. Trustees started arriving late yesterday afternoon, so I had to switch out of my flip flops to regular sandals. New Head of School on campus so everyone is on their best behavior. We will see how long that lasts...we will see if we all keep our balance. This picture makes me want to stand straighter and be stronger just by looking at it.
I did check out the State Park pass deal and now that I know that the parks are open through Columbus Day, I think I HAVE to buy one. I could breakeven even if I only go once a week when the kids are back to school. You can buy them at a Park, so I will bring some extra cash on my next trip. I also heard from the First Selectman and I have two committees to check out and decide which I want to apply for and then get interviewed at the next Selectman's meeting in July. One of the Selectman is a brother of a guy I went to high school with, I hope he does not have long term memory. My next step is to call the chairpersons of the two committees and see which one "speaks to me" and then let the First Selectman know my choice, then she will schedule my interview.
I am also hoping the weather holds up for this weekend. Saturday is going to be beautiful but Sunday is the one I am keeping my fingers crossed for - bad grammar, but you get the idea. I really want to go to the PC picnic on Sunday.
I text messaged and emailed my son yesterday. I am thinking that he should be back from Bonnaroo by now...I know he does not have to keep me in his informational loop anymore at his age, but I just like to know that he is safe after "an adventure". I don't need a call, just "a signal"...
Curious how "Gitmo" closing comes up after "Sicko" hits the silver screen with it Gitmo reference. Bush politics and policy is "curious" on many levels for me. I know my North Carolina and Texas friends think I am misguided on many levels, but I am sticking with "curious". Obama is in CT this weekend, Hillary did not look too fresh on CSPAN last night. She was talking from the Senate floor - I am sure she had to travel many miles to get to her work place. A place she has probably spent much time of late - probably the same for Obama. I do get to more than a "curious" place when I hear people very nonchalantly talk about Bloomberg being perfectly willing to spend $500 MILLION to finance his campaign if he decides to get into the race. Wouldn't he just like to make a donation to the US Government to help us pay off some of our deficit? Why doesn't the government just borrow money from him instead of foreign nations? Maybe the donation deal would not be a bad idea for all the candidates. Maybe we should just have monthly debates and a well written and concise web site for each candidate with citizens able to ask questions and get written answers from the candidates - a phone call maybe if a question strikes a nerve with the candidate or "his people". Each state would have an "official" representative for each candidate in case local presence is needed for local events? Of course for us "frugal" electorate, the debates would have to be on one of the mainstream TV channels - NBC, CBS, ABC - so we can all watch them in real time. The money spent in running for office these days is just too much for me to comprehend or understand. Again, use that fund raising expertise the candidates have to get people of means to make donations that go right into the our country's "cash register" so we can all concentrate on more policy than politics. Just my idea. I don't think I will go into this type of rant around town before I have my Selectmen interview...
Giambi, Girardi in the sports' news yesterday. I was trying to think of a third sports' G but couldn't think of one. Clemens fell on his last start and the Yankees are a bit lackluster - being swept by the Rockies is not a good thing. Golf is all the news in my state. There is my third "G" - I scare myself.
On my walk last night I had a first in my new old hometown - someone pulled over to ask if I needed a ride. I don't change my clothes after work when I walk at this time of year - casual clothes at work, work for walking. So I guess the person thought I was walking out of lack of transportation rather than out of entertainment. I did not know the person, but it definitely felt like a great "Random Act of Kindness". I have to remember how that felt so I can pass it on to someone I might come in contact. It made my night. I have had people I don't know laugh, yell, throw things, swerve to splash, people I know stop to chat, but never anyone actually pull over and ask me if I needed a ride.
It is the weekend! I will have to fortify myself this weekend so I can make it through a WHOLE week of work next week. But I must say again - attitude is everything!

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