Saturday, June 23, 2007

Looking for a rainbow

As I got caught in a downpour yesterday on my walk to my car after work last night, I was looking for a rainbow. It was a great weather day yesterday right up to the town that the Trustees were supposed to have their cook-out. Oh well. I was also looking for a rainbow as "my signal" from my son...I had a dream that I heard my text message "ring" on my cellphone, but just a dream. I saw a double rainbow the day he graduated from college and I seem to have a connection between my son and rainbows. Here is my cosmic guidance for the day, so I guess I better let go of my worry mode.
June 23, 2007 -- The worst will only happen if you get yourself worked up into such a state that your negative mind-set attracts negative people and events into your life. No matter how bad your current situation may appear to be in the greater scheme of things it is of no consequence, so replace that frown with a smile
His guidance is - June 23, 2007 -- You must not be so modest about your ambitions and abilities. Cosmic activity in some of the best areas of your chart make it possible for you to impress some very important people this weekend, so let them know who you are, what you can do and, most importantly of all, what you can do for them. - I wonder who is having a better day?...what else is new between this mother and son?
One of my less weighty thoughts today - neosporin. People talk about penicillin as the miracle drug...for my life today - I vote for neosporin and for my more hectic former life, I would have to add Advil. Other than medicinal thoughts, I am torn about what to do today. I am a bit antsy. I guess I am still transitioning between being on vacation and back to work. I must say that my work week held up just fine.
Next week is the Guitar Festival at U of H. I will try to get to some of the free evening concerts. And then it will be July...where does time go.
Have a good day.

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