Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Last Dance

In their translation of a poem by Israeli poet Yehuda Amichai, Chana Bloch and Stephen Mitchell write, "I'm the chimp of chance, the champ of chance, I'm a chum of chance and a chump of chance." Judging from your astrological omens, Libra, I suspect it'll soon make sense for you to speak those words yourself. Dumb luck and blind fate will be swirling around you, whipping up both unexpected pleasures and knotty challenges. What can you do to be more of a champ and a chum of chance, and not so much of a chimp and a chump of chance? Welcome everything that happens, with no exceptions. Love the easy and the difficult, the playful and the contrived, the lucid and the confusing.
Champ or chump could have applied to my last dance class. I left work to go to class at 4 p.m. - the downside of dancing with teachers who had their last classes last week and going through exams this week. I had had a long day at work already by 4 p.m., but when the music started - "I go to a different place" - not a talented place, but a happy place. We are getting together for lunch today in the cafeteria to say our goodbyes to dance class and some of our classmates are moving on, so goodbyes to them.
Yesterday was an interesting day. Dance class was not the end of my work day, but it was sure a welcome break. It is clear I need vacation and I don't think I was the only one who noticed...I am not going through the thought process that Billy Donovan went through of late, but I was questioning my decision-making process. I am going to try and live those last two sentences of my Freewill weekly "guidance" - with no exceptions!!!
Have a good day. Working graduation this weekend so I can not say my week is half over...just beginning is more like it.

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