Sunday, June 24, 2007

Never borrow sorrow from tomorrow.

When the going gets tough, clean house and make cookies. That was my approach to yesterday. I was on my way into my parents to do my wash and my cousin called to say she had a showing for her house on Sunday BUT the floors were just refinished and all the furniture was in the kitchen and outside and would I mind coming down from 12-3 and help. It was a perfect offer in my mind. So a quick wash session then down to move furniture. Then grocery shopping, church, walk, baking cookies and watching a great panel discussion about hip hop, feminism, and many other thoughts.

Another plus was the list of phrases in the mass bulletin - that helped me keep my head on straight. "Moments spent with God reap benefits that last a lifetime"; "Never borrow sorrow from tomorrow"; Give God what's right, not what's left"; "Jesus is a friend who walks in when the world walks out"; "Keep looking up, God is looking down"; ... just some of the list, but just what I needed to read.

I will be heading out to the CTRPCV picnic today with a college friend. I know it will be uplifting and inspirational to be around people who have shared that experience with me or are people who are considering joining. The rain in the forecast seems to have disappeared. Then out to dinner at a restaurant on the beach tonight, then call it a day.

I emailed one and called the other - chairpersons of the town committees I might serve on. I will make my decision as to which one after I talk to both. Also checking out U of H guitar concert schedule for this week and also printing out material about the Neville Brothers in the state this week...have to decide whether I want to head there after work. We will see how easy they make it sound to get around downtown Stamford and whether I can get there in time not to miss hearing Aaron.

Going along with my "cycle" - Spring and Fall are action seasons; Summer and Winter are planning seasons - so I want to keep on track for planning for change in my life. I think I have made some progress this year, but I do not feel close enough to making substantive change in my life...need to keep my eye on the prize.

Have a good Sunday.

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