Monday, June 25, 2007

Picnic and Captain's Cove Day

Great picnic, dinner at Captain's Cove and a walk for a ice cream - made for a good day. The weather and company could not have been better. Congressman Shays and his wife are the most gracious hosts and I am happy he was re-elected last year and I hope he continues to be in office as long as he wants to.

It is always fun to go down memory lane with other former Peace Corps volunteers and to talk to people thinking of joining and do it in such a beautiful setting overlooking a great cove and its marina. Of course my biggest claim to fame at this type of event is "You are sister #1's sister?" I should have just put in on my name tag. But it is all good to be "the sister". I also feel that my friend who went with me to the picnic worked "the room" (or the yard) better than I did! I "hate that"! She has known me for 35 years...and still answers my calls and emails - she is a very good person.

Then on to Captain's Cove for dinner - my never ending search for seafood that began over my vacation. It was a great combination of marina, shops, food, and a band was playing. I will have to keep it on my summer list. The weather could not have been better - the "HHH" will start up yesterday, but not yesterday. (hot, humid, hazy)

Once I got home, I felt like the perfect end to the day would be a walk to the Creamery and get a lemon softserve. I don't remember me being so fixated on beach, seafood and ice cream last summer...but it is a driving force this summer. Saw my friend/neighbor; her ex-SIL, SIL's boyfriend and her mother on my walk. Couldn't pick up my plate from my cake making I gave her mother because I was on my walk out at that point. But heard nothing but praise about my baking - my friend thought her mother was having a senior moment when she told her who baked the cake...

Heard from my cousin - looks like the she has sold her house. Guess my Saturday work was a help to her. Heard from sister #5. She, her daughter and her school group got home safely from their France/Spain trip and she starts her summer camp work today. Heard from my mother - my brother's pool is now open! Very good news to me. I have my town pool pass, but his setting is "a bit" nicer. Good option with the HHH week ahead. Nothing but options this week - pools, beach, free independent movie "festival" at a local library; free guitar concerts at U of H; free Neville Brothers concert in Stamford - we will see what I get to.

Sports news -I was sad with the end of the PGA tournament. I was hoping the local guy would get his exemption and not have to go back to the "minors", but it did not work out. Yankees had a rough weekend with the Giants. Mets - I had to turn the radio channel on my way home - I was sick of hearing about their catcher losing his cool. BUD to SONY for Junior? That is going to be a NASCAR adjustment. I have no idea how my #20 is doing this season, but I don't seem to hear anything except Jeff and Jimmy so I am thinking they may be in the top spots. UNC was so close on the NCAA baseball tournament.

Great "Q&A" show on CSPAN last night. I love that host and the way he asks questions.

Well, a full week of work this week...hope I make it!

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