Monday, June 04, 2007

"Statewide Soaker"

"Statewide Soaker" per the weatherman this a.m. I am glad the rain held off and started with the work week start. I had an interesting day, and remembered something I forgot to mention about my Saturday. One of the "coincidences" of Saturday was the Coexistence show and one of my CSPAN shows was the 50th commemoration of the Little Rock 9. Their life philosophy and how they dealt with what they faces in 1957 was inspirational.
As to Sunday - it was a family day. I started at 8:30 a.m. at my parents' house talking with sister #4 and a very funny walk down some memory lanes with all the people she saw and heard about at the party she was at Saturday night. She did not know the "menu" well enough to know to ask for strawberries for her waffles or to ask for orange juice. I know the refrigerator very well and worked it to my advantage for a great breakfast. Sister #1 called while we were eating breakfast and was surprised to hear the ruckus on what is usually a quiet Sunday a.m. for her weekly call to the parents. Then on to Waterbury for church with my cousin. And another "coincidence" was the sermon which echoed themes of Coexistence - it was a weekend theme. My cousin's priest is so good. I wish it was not a ride away to get there I would love to hear him each weekend. We met a friend of my cousin's at church and the three of us went off to a great diner in Thomaston for brunch (I skipped dinner...). It was perfect and it is right off Rt 8. I need to keep that in mind if I am meeting people "halfway" if they live Rt 8 south.
After brunch, I jumped on to Rt 8 and came home. I was off for my walk and at the tail end of it, sister #3 called and niece #2 had just arrived home from a weekend trip to Florida to see a current or ex boyfriend - I am unclear as to status. I am thinking that sister #1 will have some thinking to do about what and where niece #2 (her one and only daughter) should be up to this summer. We will see. After I got home, I uncharacteristically got back in my car and went to the local Feed Store and Creamery. They have opened up their summer ice cream stand! It is beyond description!
I hate to admit that after watching Dr. Jack on 60 Minutes - I went to bed. I was tired and am gearing up for a long, pre-vacation week of work. I was not off to a Park & Rec All-Star game because my co-worker called me to say her son had been removed from the All Star team at the last minute...I had warned her about the politics of sports these days. I am sure I will get the whole story today. It is only the beginning if her son is going to stay with sports as he goes through high school. Parents are an ugly part of youth sports these days.
I also forgot to tell you I went to Ocean State Job Lots to buy a great clip to the handle of you lawn chair umbrella. Parents bought me a great beach chair on their shopping trip on Friday. I now have my beach bag, chair, umbrella in the car and ready for any and all invites or day trips to the beach or any pools.
Have a great week!
One of the quotes from Saturday:

If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us.
Hermann HesseSwiss (German-born) author (1877 - 1962)

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