Sunday, July 01, 2007

I don’t know where to start today. Yesterday had too many “features”. One feature that impacts today is that “Evening” is not playing locally yet, so maybe I will go with sister #1 when she is in the US in a couple of weeks. Another feature – her book club is reading Enduring Love and Good Mother. Had not heard of both, but found out that Ian McEwan is the author of the first and I have heard good things about him and the story line and life of the Good Mother story line and author got my attention. I may read both once I finish my mini-pile I have already in my possession to read. I finished Bird by Bird yesterday and it is a book that I could read over and over. Anne Lamott definitely “speaks” to me. I turned down the corner of many pages to revisit – here is one page that got me.

“Because for some of us, books are as important as almost anything else on earth. What a miracle it is that out of these small, flat, rigid squares of paper unfolds world after world after world, worlds that sing to you, comfort and quiet or excite you. Books help us understand who we are and how we are to behave. They show us what community and friendship mean; they show us how to live and die. … My gratitude for good writing is unbounded; I’m grateful for it the way I’m grateful for the ocean. Aren’t you? I ask.”

I loved this quote, especially along with the fact that I have read both of Ms. Lamott’s books while sitting by the ocean. I think I will do a quote per day rather than run through them all.

Before I headed to the beach yesterday, I took advantage of the “free time” at the New Britain Museum of American Art. Incredible place – the setting and the contents – I will ask sister #1 if she wants to go when she is home. I would like to take a travel mug of coffee, sit on the outside patio, enjoy the park across the street, the sculpture around the building and then go inside to look at all the art again. I am a Wyeth family fan and they had lots; James Montgomery Flagg, Christopher Gallego, Frederick Carl Frieseke caught my eye; Thomas Hart Benton – they had a room of his murals; and all the Winslow Homer reminded me that I need to go to DC soon to revisit the Smithsonian Museums. They have free time everyday all day except for Christmas Day. When sister #1 was in DC, going on Thanksgiving Day before dinner was a true holiday gift! “Where Art Meets Life” is the motto of the NB Museum and it is a true message. I was too cheap to buy the Where Art Meets Life $2.50 pin…maybe next trip.

Sports news before I get to my beach day – Aubrey Huff on the Orioles and doing well. He was one of the “kids” my son and I watched when he was part of the Tampa Bay or Atlanta system and played for the Durham Bulls. Biggio got his record setting hit. We saw him play when we were in Houston. He was also a client of the real estate company I worked for in Houston. I also had a close encounter with Bagwell when he was coming out of the elevator at one of our offices. One of my going away gifts from that company was a letter signed by Bagwell – “From One MVP to Another” – this was from 1995. People in New England are ecstatic that Ray Allen is “back home”. That should help Celtic ticket sales. I was also a happy camper as I traveled “south” yesterday and picked up 660 The Fan and listened to some of the 20th Anniversary broadcasts. I also picked up the Mets game – Carlos Betran has gone from goat to hero. As to the Yankees… I was also very happy to hear that the Cincinnati Reds took a chance on a
Raleigh, North Carolina kid and he is doing well.

Now to the beach. I left the museum and headed to the beach. My goal was to get my season pass and try a new beach. My destination was Rocky Neck State Park. When I got there it is a very good thing that I did not buy that $2.50 pin…As of June 30, the season pass cost is $50 rather than $40…I was sick! But I did not make a scene – I will just need more trips to the beach to breakeven. I ran a list of “saltwater swimming” parks in the state – Sherwood Island, Silver Sands State Park, Hammonasset Beach, Rocky Neck, Harkness – all within about an hour drive. And since it is good through September, I think I will come out “whole”. Rocky Neck was a different experience from Hammonasset. 1) AMTRAK runs along the beach…you have to cross under the RR tracks in tunnels. The tracks run between the parking areas and the beach front. It makes it feel a bit crowded between the water line and the back sand line. 2) The pavilion is closed…it is an incredibly beautiful building and the view from its porches is breathtaking. It was built in 1936 and as the picture shows, Rocky Neck – emphasize “rock”. The park ranger said it was closed a few years back but the second floor is rent-able for parties or - as was going on yesterday – a wedding reception. The wedding on one of the lawns overlooking the water and then a reception in the pavilion – I really need to get married again! On a side note – I thought if I got married again, it would be in Disneyworld-ESPN hotel; or I thought ESPN Zone in NYC or Las Vegas, now I have to add the New Britain Museum of Art (it has a beautiful venue) and Rocky Neck State Park! As if venue is my “issue”…

Back to the beach. It could have been a world away as I listened to the voices – Slavic languages, Spanish and almost as “foreign” to me – families who spend summer vacation camping at one of the State Parks…that is “other worldly” to me – no vacation venue comes without a “room key” for me. I also was overwhelmed with the amount of people with “cheese puffs” (those orange air/cheese snacks) as their staple beach snack. I looked silly with my water and an apple… Another thing that caught my eye was the amount of people who have “body art”. I wonder how that is going to look when they are in their 50’s or beyond? I am also thinking that they should have a Jenny Craig “outreach” program at the state part beaches… People watching at the beach is right up there with the airport terminal and NYC. I must comment that I LOVE my new beach chair and umbrella! It is perfect. I need to look back at my writing from last year and see why I did not make the beach a part of last summer? I also noted that sister #4’s theory on beach “traffic” holds in CT also. There is a definite “shift change” at 2 p.m. I straddled the morning and afternoon groups. I left the beach about 4 p.m. because I was headed to Hallmark for my chocolate almond chip cone before going to church in Old Lyme at 5 p.m. No seafood – I was still “smarting” from that extra $10 for my beach pass. I do need to find some seafood “holes in the wall” as I cover the parks over the summer. My “thought” is one beach visit per Saturday, then go to church on the way home. Or go back to the beach after church and enjoy what is a GREAT time at the beach – the 6-8 p.m. time.

A message from yesterday’s church bulletin – “The commandment to love your neighbor is at the heart of Christian discipleship. This is difficult for all of us. There is a constant tension between selfishness and walking the extra mile. St Paul describes how guidance by the Holy Spirit is necessary if we wish to overcome obstacles and see events and people from a new angle. The Spirit bestows the gifts of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self. Through God’s grace it is possible to go the extra mile.” And a reminder that… “Without God and support of others this journey is lonely. As Christians we may take comfort in the belief that God transforms our efforts in ways that are beyond our wildest expectations, whatever difficulties we have to overcome.”

As I thought about this message, I realized how comforted I was when I heard from a friend who said I was telling her “new news” when I told her about her son’s film news. I will keep that in mind when I find myself out of the loop in my son’s life. It is only when I am not focused on making my life better that I look for things or people to distract me.
As to politics - interesting conversations on CSPAN last night on immigration - Lou Dobbs and then an event honoring "Outstanding Immigrants" - an evening of mixed messages. I need to look more into the down vote on the immigration bill.

Now that I know that “Evening” is not playing locally, I will try to go to the Independent Film Series tomorrow night at a local library. Another free event. Do I even need to say “I am a lucky girl” again?

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