Saturday, June 30, 2007

Guitar Festival final night and more

With the 7:30 p.m. start time of the guitar concerts, I had time to kill both Thursday and Friday before I headed to the school. Thursday I stopped by our town library and read the NY Times, Hartford Courant and Wall Street Journal. The last reading getting interrupted by my son's phone call. I dropped what I was reading and headed outside to talk to him. On Friday I stopped at Staples to get my 2007-08 school year calendar so I can start tracking what I actually each day at work to track scheduling and create a job description that will make more sense than the present one for my position. Then I stopped to walk Elizabeth Park. The rose gardens had suffered a bit with the extreme heat of Tuesday and Wednesday, but it was still beautiful and peaceful. I saw a poster in The Pond House - the park restaurant - about a series of summer music events. I need to keep that in mind for the ones at Elizabeth Park every Wednesday night. Last night was also a "Full Moon Tour" night at the Park. I will have to see if they have the same type of event in July.
The concert performers last night were the students who studied all week with these incredible guitarists and the staff of U of H. Hartt School is an incredible area asset. It is such a magnet for me.
The news of the day is baffling to me on so many levels - flooding rains, wild fires, IPhone. The IPhone craze when put aside the meteorological events of the day seems a bit like a Nero playing while Rome burned...I hope I have my historical reference correct, but you get the message. Sports news - Frank Thomas and Jr Griffey versus the steroid players...I bought the Griffey rookie card and watched it go down and down in value as "allegedly" juiced players left him and the Big Hurt in the dust, but now maybe their stock will go up.
I thought it was curious that my first blogger post was June 27, 2006. I guess I "naturally" start new things on the school year start even when I was not in a school setting. I am torn today about another possible new start. A co-worker who is leaving for a new job, brought to my attention an opening in her department in the school she is going to - 20 minute train ride from NYC and a co-ed school...I am fighting with whether to apply or not. I am thinking if they could supply housing for me it would be worth the move. I will ponder that on my beach walk today.
Today my plan is the New Britain Museum of Art for the 10-12 free admission time on Saturday mornings then on to the beach. Then church in Old Lyme at 5 p.m. and then home or back to the beach depending on how I feel. Tomorrow "Evening" matinee.
That is my plan but I am still sitting here in my pajamas... Have a great weekend.

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