Sunday, July 29, 2007

Staying local for my Saturday

The rain and the fog kept me from heading to the beach on Saturday, but I did need an adventure. But first, I cleaned my computer corner - desk, all the dust around the wires on the floor and ended up doing he kitchen area Pergo floor a hands and knees cleaning. I guess that is what took my writing time up yesterday morning. First stop was the bank to transfer some money to my son to help him go on a family reunion trip to the Grand Canyon with his father's side of the family. Hope he goes. Then on to Talcott Mtn and Heublein Tower.

"Located atop Talcott Mountain in Simsbury, CT, is where you will find this week's subject, Heublein Tower. Built in 1914 by Gilbert Heublein as a summer home and retreat, this structure is truly an architectural marvel. Mr. Heublein modeled this structure after buildings in his native homeland of Bavaria. Standing 165 feet tall and 1,000 ft. above the Farmington Valley, one can see for several hundred miles in all directions.

The property on which the tower is located totals approximately 350 continuous acres along the mountain ridge and is part of Talcott Mountain State Park. You can access the tower via a foot trail. The trail itself is about 1.5 miles long and it takes about 30 - 40 minutes to reach the tower. The tower is now owned by the state of Connecticut."

The weather held and the canopy of trees over the trail kept things relatively dry and I walked up, walked through the tower and walked down. I had a memory bank from when I was little of going up there - by car - when some friends of my father's had bought the property with the hopes of developing, but that did not work. But when they sold it to the state, the developers removed all the furniture and when talking to my parents, one of their friend's wives had sold the dining room set back to the state which was back in the house yesterday. It is a beautiful spot and the state is trying to get it back to the way it was.

After my walk, I headed to my parents for wash time. My father "shook up" his Saturday pizza order to accommodate my dropping in - 3 slices rather than 2. The pizza place guy wanted to know "what is up with that?" Then it was off to downtown Hartford. For some reason I felt like going to the Hartford Public Library. I had it in the back of my mind in the morning that depending on where the day took me, I would go to the Cathedral at 4 for church. So I had some time to kill between wash and church, so I thought I would go to the library to read the NY Times. I am glad I did. I got a good look at a part of the city that had always turned me around - Convention Center, Arch St Tavern, Wadsworth, etc. - the library is right there. They were in the process of renovation so I am thinking I will have to put it on my rainy day visit list for the future. The library in the cities is such a melting pot of people and needs. Seem like such a great place for helping people. I need to explore that more. Then I headed to the Cathedral. Another incredible building.

Good message for me in church yesterday - "Seek and you will find, Ask and it shall be given, Knock and the door will be opened day". I definitely feel that I am seeking, asking and knocking. Another message that got me yesterday was the last lines of the Gospel - after what I had done in the a.m. as to giving money to my son - "If you then, who are wicked,know how to give good gifts to your children,
how much more will the Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?” I was possessed by missing the boat on the airfare, but went directly to the bank to help my son. hmmm.

Then after church, I stopped by the grocery store to cash in cans, buy orange juice and bananas. Then home to figure out what the night was going to be. I decided to go take a quick dip in the town pool, and then called the science teacher at school who was going to open up the observatory if the weather was good, but no luck. So next time. So with that word, I ended my day. Next weekend - it HAS to be beach time.

I forgot to mention that in between getting home and the town pool, I made brownies to take with me today to the swim meet finals. My co-worker called me when I was at the grocery store to say the finals were on and was I coming. I passed on going to my cousin's church this morning and then out to breakfast to do the swim meet. Less travel time and more outside time. I will see my cousin next week when WE THINK we will finally have our cousin dinner.

So that was my day. Have a good Sunday. Feels like a good week ahead.

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