Monday, July 30, 2007

Swim meet and swimming Sunday

Was off to the Hopmeadow Country Club to watch the "Sr Finals" of the country club swim teams championships. My co-worker's son walked away with 2-1st place and 1-2nd place in his events. And the 2nd place was by judge's ruling not the timers' time. The time listed by his 2nd place finish was faster than the time by the 1st place finisher...Oh well. He still had a good day. I enjoyed the day. But the forecast of rain for the weekend did not hold for where I was so I was looking for a pool I could jump in after the meet. The town pool was on mandatory shut down because of thunder (no lightening or rain) so I called a family friend with a pool and headed to her house. I swam in place and talked for an hour. Then stood outside the pool and talked with her and her daughter who stopped by when I was on my way out. Her daughter is the same age as my brother.

Then I got home to eat and watch my favorite TV show - Q&A with Brian Lamb!!! I do need to find out more about him. His guest was a man who had done an anti-Michael Moore documentary. The filmmaker was a classmate of Moore's in high school and could not let his hypocrisy go any longer. Very interesting.

As I drove from place to place yesterday, I listened to the Baseball Hall of Fame speeches - Cal Ripken and Tony Gwynn - all good. I love the speeches!

Things that came into my thoughts this weekend were "a bit" random...why I put the milk on the left side of the main shelf of the refrigerator and the orange juice on the what is our September book for book club? I must be working off an old list in that the September book is listed as Leap of Faith...I have to remember to go by the town hall and get sworn in before our September Economic Development Agency meeting but it won't be this Wednesday (the night the town hall is open after I get out of work). Co-worker can't go to Wesleyan on Tuesday so I will be going alone again. Wonder if sister #3's friend will come with his date again. Still have not made my reservations for St Lucia yet. Great PBS show on Penguins running right now. Every since that Penguin movie, I am taken with their life and times. They are so in tune with their natural surroundings and family structure.

No reading this weekend...could make for a wild week!

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