Wednesday, August 08, 2007

August 7 into August 8

Just wrote an email to two of my former bosses. I started my work with them with the opening of a new office on 8/8/88 party! As I shared with them - YIKES! 19 years ago. But 8/7 will be a date to remember for Barry Bonds. Finally the talk can be over as to what is going to happen when he broke he record.

Also emailed a friend in Idaho - feel like Idaho has been in the news of late. The teacher/astronaut from Idaho and our new soccer coach at my school is from Idaho.

And I am now thinking about what my Sunday is going to look like - one more try at a astrological event after 9 p.m. at school but Tony Snow is Brian Lamb's Q&A guest...may have to watch that then head to the ridge for viewing. Also, need to figure out if I am going to Brooklyn this Saturday for that concert in the park. All good options.

Last night I was down to one cousin for dinner but that was good. If you are ever at Macaroni Grill try the Sangria! A very good surprise. Not a huge food fan of the restaurant, but it has a good location and now a good place for a drink. A good combination in my mind. Cousin #2 had to bow out - didn't feel good. Good visit with my cousin. She had lots of decisions needing to be made in her life. Hope I did not confuse matters with my babbling. Easy for me to throw out talk when I don't have much on my decision making plate.

Dinner tonight with former co-workers. One has a husband going through chemo and I will be comic relief for the night. Hope I get my "material" together over the day. I can't imagine what she is going through.

Dinner on Thursday with my neighbor...I go from no dinners to a week of dinners.

I did get my swim in last night. God forbid I get too off my "game". Raining a bit this a.m. Hope my co-walking co-worker does not back out. Flip flops will be replaced by Croks for my walking shoes this a.m.

Better get going.

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