Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Not a "regular" Monday

Started with a co-walking co-worker with a toothache, so she had to spin off to try and call the dentist to get in to the office asap. Good news was she already had taken the day off so she had no deterrent to getting it addressed. I hope she is there this a.m. - pain free. It was a vacation full day at our office - we had less than a skeleton crew on deck. With one of the 3 "bones" who was there had lunch with an alum that took 3 hours. It was quiet. Enough to do, but in quiet.

Then I decided after work that it would be a no swim night - it was raining a bit, looked like a storm - so I watched the news, took my book to bed and did a bit of a toss and turn and am more "achy" (if Billy Cyrus can us that word, I can)than usual. I will have to keep these "action and response" in mind as I make my evening plans. And I say that with plans to meet my cousins for dinner tonight, so I will need to think about a post dinner exercise plan. I was thinking of trying to go to the traffic meeting at the community center if I got home from dinner in time. After living in Houston and Chapel Hill, I do have to tilt my head a bit when my new/old hometown talks about traffic...but everything is relative.

The news last night that hit me - the Newark murders. Cory Booker is a shining star in the political scene, but he looked a bit shaken. I was told when I brought his name up with my sisters that he was a romantic interest of Gayle ______ (Oprah's sidekick) so maybe the celebrity was a bit of a distraction for him. But it was truly a tragedy that 3 kids with so much to offer were murdered when things were moving forward on many levels in Newark.

Got an email from a NC friend. I always say that I would not trade my life for anyone else's...but hers? Her post-divorce life left her in a place of fullness and continues along with richness.

I called a high school friend last night and she was in a panic. She could not find the family dog. I pray Angus came home.

Read a PCV blog about a RPCV who just sold the rights to her book. I need to re-read that blog to see the how to except I already know - 16 years in the writing process between work, husband and raising kids...and I can't keep the pedal to the metal with just me to take care of?

I ran into my neighbor/friend since nursery school on my way in from work last night - she and her boyfriend were on her way out. Just like in high school she looked perfect - hair, outfit, accessories...can you tell I was in a bit of a "less than, better than" mode and was coming up on the former? Another thing I need to look at when I am checking the "action/response" path of my day yesterday. Not to dwell on it, but to see where I could have done some response changing - lost control of my thoughts.

My "picks" have been sent to NC. I have picked all the primetime televised NFL games. Then I send it off to a sports friend in NC and see how I do. Maybe that is another reason I like sports so much - a very trustworthy distraction.

One more "bone" will be in the office today if dental matters do not keep her away. I will attempt to keep my mind on the prize today.

Have a good Tuesday.

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