Friday, August 31, 2007

Good day yesterday on so many levels

Good day at school yesterday. Our front desk person called in sick so I took most of the day. I love being on that side of the street and I got to meet more of the new teachers. Also got a couple of projects done between answering the phone and directing traffic in the main lobby. It was CPR training day so that added more humor to the afternoon from the stories I heard coming out of the living room. AND the Yankee-Red Sox game being watched in the Common Room! That front desk is a hot spot! After work, I headed to the SPHERE event (12 area independent schools who come together to look at multiculturalism in their classrooms) at the other school. Felt like I had spent a lot of time there this week... Good event. Speaker was not as dynamic as others (hard to beat Jeff Johnson in my mind, but...) she was interesting more to resources for future use rather than her dynamic or inspiring rhetoric. I did come home to some inspiring listening as I did some writing last night. CSPAN2 show on how international press sees Americans. And the teacher convocation for West Hartford teachers by David G. Carter Sr. - a very dynamic speaker. I am going to share both items and some others with two of my dinner mates who were from my school but people I did not know that well. I had very good mingling last night - getting to talk to people I have just passed in the halls at my school and people from other schools including meeting a teacher who had sister #4 in her wedding party 20+ years ago! Small world!

It is going to be a different place on campus today - kids come in over the weekend, so today is the teachers' last day off and there will only be 3 people in our office with the rest on vacation. Our office has Monday off, but not the main campus. I am looking forward to the weekend.

Got an email that my friend from Texas is coming back (she was just here a couple of weeks ago) for her sister's father in law's funeral. She asked if I would pick her up and drop her off at the airport. Which I will do.

Walking alone this a.m. My co-walking co-worker is on vacation. We will not be walking together until Tuesday, but she assures me she will be walking with family over the weekend...

Got up early this a.m. Not sure what I missed in my office yesterday as I hung on the other side of the street. Want to take a look before I go for my walk.

Have a great holiday weekend and hope you are not having to labor on Labor Day.

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