Friday, August 03, 2007

Hostess with the "least-est" and more

I wrote some of this in the middle of the day on Thursday, finishing it up this morning.

Writing in the middle of the day is not my usual, but I am "out" of work energy after the start of today and felt some different thoughts coming over me. Haircut day is always pensive - in a silly way. Finding out that a friend was on that bridge in MN two hours before it collapsed made me pensive in a whole other way. I feel that my recent "snatched from the jaws of death" experiences and now hearing the news this morning - I really need to get focused on what I need to be doing and "move toward the light" in an earthly way to make sure I am getting the most out of every day and moving the roadblocks that keep me from creating the life of joy that at times seems minutes away and then other times - I don't have a unit of time that is big enough! It should not be too hard, because I am the road maintenance guy who puts the roadblocks in place..and in that role seems to be vigilant in making sure that they are constantly on the move to be right smack in the middle of the road - no matter what road I take. On one of my recent road trips, I did remember something Yogi Berra said. "if you come to a fork in the road, take it" - that speaks to my journey sometimes. But he also said, "it's not over till it's over". So I guess I will keep his "body of work" in mind as I look for guidance. I have no real complaints, but I do have to stay focused on finding - recognizing...the joy.

Speaking of "the joy", I am feeling that Roger Clemens was not feeling it during the 2nd inning of the game yesterday. Hot day, 4 hour game...a loss, not a good day. I need to check and see if I heard correctly and a NYY rookie from NC hit a homerun yesterday.

Today I was the hostess with the least-est. I had 3 office mate critics in the office sharing the flaws in my boss' lunch meeting food and "presentation" plans. I am constantly fighting the style over substance approach that is our school most days. I would be embarrassed if I were one of the attendees and people felt that it was worth the time and money to put on the "show". But I am me.

So back to this morning - I emailed sister #1 and told her I missed the boat on fare and schedule option to come to St Lucia in October. I am hoping that this lesson - when I saw the fare and schedule that was perfect and passed on it...that will be a reminder that it was in my "fate" to go, I just did not see it. Rather than my missing the boat as being my "fate" not to go. Doors open all the time for me, but I have trouble walking through.

Haircut was a non-event. I have this vision of letting it go long again. Not separated from my hairbands yet. My co-walking co-worker will have some words for that this a.m.

Dinner on the calendar - again - for dinner with the cousins for Tuesday. Friend next door emailed to say her daughter is away for a few weeks so dinner plans may be in the works there. I am still planning for the beach and reading for tomorrow.

Went for a swim last night at the town pool. Brother and family off on vacation tomorrow, so I will be swimming there next week, I am thinking.

Have a great Friday. Summer weeks are flying by!

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