Sunday, August 05, 2007

Saturday at the Beach

Needed the day at the beach before I could get writing again. I took the perfect book with me - Eat, Pray and Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. The book was given to me by the same person who gave me the Anne Lamott books...does she "know me" or what. You will be reading excerpts of this book soon!

Tomorrow was a news day - Earmarks, Eavesdropping in DC; Sports - Bonds, A-Rod, Tony Stewart ("Hoosier Daddy" as referred to on his web site after his latest Indy win); Bruce Matthews and the NFL Hall of Fame - I think he played for a million years or thereabouts. He was playing when on the Oilers in Houston when I lived there; "Psychologists for Young Athletes" article on troubles me. 12 step program for workaholics as a feature segment on Weekend Today? That troubles me.

But what does not trouble me is my day at the beach and the beautiful start of the day today. I got to the beach at 9:30 a.m. and got home at 7 p.m. The end of my beach day was going to church in the beach town next to the beach. I had a feeling about my aunt who passes away in 2000, I thought I saw a friend of hers at church and it would have been my aunt's birthday yesterday so I knew I was at the right church. I have to ask my cousin when we have dinner on Tuesday to see if it could have been that lady - I know my aunt used to go play bridge in that beach town.

Thursday dinner plan with my neighbor next door. Her daughter just turned 16 so she is trying to get tickets for Conan. I hope I get to go with them. So the "plan" for the week - Monday foreign film at a local library; dinner with cousins on Tuesday; Wednesday to town hall to be sworn in before our first EDA meeting in September; Thursday dinner with neighbor; Saturday to Brooklyn for the concert in the Prospect Park if my sister is back from Provincetown. Or maybe even if she is not I may go. Need to check with my son to see if he is going to be in NYC that weekend or he went to the Grand Canyon with his dad's family.

I let sister #1 and 3 know that my plan for October in St Lucia has been cancelled. I just could not fight with that "loss of opportunity" anymore even if was only in my mind that I suffered "a loss". I just don't have the anticipation about that vacation plan as I do planning to go see JamesOn play or the St Louis Billikens or what is my desire to take a trip to DC or some reason. I might do that in DC. And try to get there and back by train. I might try to bus it to Hartford, train or bus it to NYC and then to DC. I also need to go on my college alma mater web site and see if the Boston trip is still on in September.

Have a grocery shopping need today and of course, washing clothes and cleaning house. The cleaning house urge did not strike me today. Will stop by my brother's for a swim. Looking like a good day to me. And my book is calling me so I see that as a big block of the day. Need to go online and see who the Brian Lamb Q&A guest is. Easy day to feel energized today.

Have a good Sunday.

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