Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Slow going morning - but way too early

Couldn't sleep last night - combination of bad eating and maybe too many dips in the town (germ) pool...but feel a bit better already.

Yesterday was a nose to the grindstone day - boss left some projects for me while she was off on a travel trip with the new Head of School. More bad personnel news on campus. Seems like everyone I felt connected to have been let go or demoted...I told my co-walking co-worker, she better watch out. Staff meeting today, mini-staff retreat tomorrow - that should stir things up in the hallways.

Had an errand type day after work. Bed, Bath and Beyond for a new shower curtain in case I have company this week. Hallmark store for cards - September starts up a busy card season through January. Shaw's for bananas. Dip in the pool.

News of Rove on the news. What a sad sack couple he and GW made yesterday. I also was a bit put off by Governor Huckabee. He made a joke about Michael Vick in one of his recent speeches...not joke material in most people's minds as I see it. Makes me think he might not be in touch with real life. I am listening to what will come out of the Sept 27-29 Newt Gingrich discussion.

Hope to feel like going to U of H for a movie tonight.

Have a good Tuesday.

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