Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Another new day in the neighborhood

I think my cosmic guidance is on target today. Things should be a bit interesting once people know I am going across the street, and I do feel that an exorcism has happened in my life. But first things first, I have an oil change to have done on my six figure mileage 1999 car which may be part of my next exorcism. I will not be walking today - hope that does not backfire on me as to getting my day off to a good start physically to face the day ahead. I will take a short walk while they are working on my car but no hour.

"September 12, 2007 -- The world outside your door may be in turmoil but you have plenty to smile about. Some may be offended that you don't seem bothered by the bad things you hear on the news but what's the point - you can't do anything about them. If everyone was as laidback as you the world would be a happier place."

"Plagued by back problems, my friend Eduardo went to a psychic healer in Brazil. He got his treatment while seated on a chair in a room crowded with other patients. The shaman massaged Eduardo's spine for a few minutes. Suddenly, out of nowhere, streams of black mud appeared all over his back. Was this some sort of stage magic? The healer announced that the mud had been the cause of the pain, and that he had exorcised it from Eduardo's body. My friend rested there a while, musing on the improbable event that had apparently happened, and enjoying a new feeling of ease in his back. His bewilderment at the mystery of his own cure turned to stupefaction when he saw what the shaman pulled from the next patient's belly: an old shoe. Now here's an odd coincidence, Libra: One of the best gifts you can give yourself right now is to visualize a psychic healer (or your guardian angel) removing a load of mud and an old shoe from your body."

Tonight I am off to UofH if all stays in place. The first of many events that I will probably attend there as the school year goes on. Tomorrow a movie at the Hartford Public Library with the same "if all stays in place" caveat. Will not see sister #3 and niece #2 today as they go through CT on their way to MA, but I should see them on Monday night on their way back to NY. So I will look forward to that.

News of local primary elections of surrounding towns had lots of complaining about the new voting machines. Gone are the booths, curtains, levers and in with the paper trail, fill in the circles with your black markers voting. I think it is lost on the CT voters that they are probably one of the last places that the voting booth is still used. But I am sure there will be LOTS of whining at our fall elections! Eddie Perez carried the day in Hartford.

Other news - Fossett is still missing. If he is really gone, at least he went the way he lived. That is all people can ask for. Good news for the Buffalo Bills' Everett - this morning's news sounds much better than what I read last night. Also found out last night that Dovonte Edwards was cut from the Vikings. I will have to keep an eye out to see if anyone picks him up. The injury count may help him find a new job. I wonder what will be next if his football career might be over at age 24...

It is sort of nice not to have to rush this a.m. The car place is right down the road and I don't have to be there until 8 a.m. It is like a weekend start to the day.

This week seems to be going a bit slow. But I guess it is just my anticipation of what is unfolding. Now I need to start focusing on vacation plans now that I have this job detail taken care of - for now. June 30, 2008 will be my next decision day - unless "required" before that time. As always when I make changes in my life - August 31, 2005 was my last day on my NC job, so it took me two years to find my job spot - it takes time and energy and now I need to find my new life spot! The funny thing is I was offered an interview for this exact position last summer, but turned down the interview. Another example of "time and place" opportunities in my life. For some reason, I was meant to do my time in my present position - even if only for assisting my co-walking, co-worker to meet her health goals? Who knows. My life is a constant search, but I do feel I keep moving onward and upward.

I did not dwell on the 9/11 commemorations. I remember that day so clearly - I just weeks before dropped my son off at college in Florida and did not know if I should get in my car in NC and drive there and make sure he was OK. Then I called sister #3 in NYC and was how she found out what was going on and she watched the towers fall from her rooftop. I can't even imagine that. I remember in NC being around people who have family members die. Being in CT at that point in time may have been too much for me.

I was elected Secretary of my town committee last night. Did my minutes last night and submitted to the town secretary. Hope I did good.

Even with being able to take things a bit slower this a.m., I better get going.

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