Sunday, September 23, 2007

Good "first day" in my new office

I had a good Saturday in a work type of way. This pattern will need to stop after the last two weekends, but I wanted to get things wrapped up on one side of the street and get my bearings on the other and with a major event that will be my swan song today for my old department.

So yesterday morning it was off to my parents. Had not stopped in all week. Started reading my October book club book in the backyard. Then off to work to get ready for today and ready for Monday. I feel like I made a dent in both tasks. I did take a break to come home and take my "regular" walk that has been so NOT regular of late. Then to church. I left "PC" post communion. I just could not settle myself down. The only thing I remember from the readings was "you can't serve two masters"...I am living witness to that at work...

Then I went back to the office to put the finishing touches on today's event. Went up to the dining hall to have dinner. Could be bad having the dining hall in the same building as my office...having to walk across the street may have been a good thing in that regard. Stopped by the grocery store on the way home. Ginger ale and week this week. Got home and tuned in to CSPAN (I have missed it this week) and watched the panel discussions with former Presidential Press Secretaries - Fitzwater to Snow. Very interesting. Tried to read a couple more pages of my book after that, but that did not work.

After breakfast I will head back to school. Hope all goes well today. I am starting to look out my window to see the leaves turning. We need more rain to make the colors really pop, but it will come and the leaves will go. Seasons are a wonderful thing - but I could go for 3 rather than 4. I think you can guess which one I would eliminate.

Hope the weather is good next weekend - bus trip with my Alma mater to Boston next Saturday. I am looking forward to it. Next Sunday, Andrus Madsen concert in a private home. I am looking forward to that. I am looking forward to not working the weekend and future weekends.

The Yankees win, theeeeeee Yankees win! Have to catch up on the college football scores. I think I had the wrong line up for ND. But whoever they played, it did not sound good.

Have a good day.

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